Will Power
plz plz ppl help
after 8 hrs of downloading stuff from torrent<mininova>next day i strtd my pc at d opening of ma account i could see no strt menu or task bar and only a my documents folder already opened...through dat i opened an object dock i open internet and stuff...checked for virus wid avast4.8 none found...

in vista >personalization i try open a task manager & strt menu & it just doesnt open!!!!!! no icons or right click on desktop either , only wallpaper
i use vista starter sp2<release canditate,evaluation copy build 6002>

im very sad...plzplzplzplzplzpzlplzpzlpzlzplzplzplzplplzhelp...sob
By d way im dipesh "9th Grade" now
after 8 hrs of downloading stuff from torrent<mininova>next day i strtd my pc at d opening of ma account i could see no strt menu or task bar and only a my documents folder already opened...through dat i opened an object dock i open internet and stuff...checked for virus wid avast4.8 none found...

in vista >personalization i try open a task manager & strt menu & it just doesnt open!!!!!! no icons or right click on desktop either , only wallpaper
i use vista starter sp2<release canditate,evaluation copy build 6002>

im very sad...plzplzplzplzplzpzlplzpzlpzlzplzplzplzplplzhelp...sob
By d way im dipesh "9th Grade" now