Need help deciding on external storage

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I have been using a assembled 80GB 2.5" external HDD for past 4 years.Now I am in need of a bigger & reliable external storage rather than sending lots of time in organizing & burning backup dvds.

Brand-wise I'm inclined towards Seagate or Western Digital. I am having problem deciding whether should I go for a 2.5" or 3.5" solution.
I want reliability and bigger storage. The speed should be good enough to carry out day to day backup & other things (watching movie directly from the hdd etc)
I would be happy to get a solution in range of 6-7K but not at the cost of reliability.

Which options should I consider? Will buying a 3.5" sata2 HDD & a casing will be an reliable option?
Please suggest. (My post is little disoriented but I'm little confused)



Broken In
3.5" external HDD are ok only if you don't move it around here and their.. i have not seen any 3.5" external HDD survived for much long.. if portability is an issue then buy WD passport 320 Gb ~ 4k, OR else you can buy 3.5 " WD Green power 1 TB ~ 5.3k


thanks for the reply foruamit2004
. i have not seen any 3.5" external HDD survived for much long..
you mean they are niot really reliable for storage?

I was also considering assembling one? will it be a good idea?
what will be the cost of a max size portable laptop hdd (500GB i guess) assembled?

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