Need help about JAVA

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Guys, in my next coming semester i am having "JAVA programming" subject . Do you guys have a good book about java programming??
And also Tell me what is SDK??? and also tell what to install for doing java programming [ for example: we have to install "turbo C" for C programming] .


God of Mistakes...
You can buy "The complete Reference to Java" - Seventh Edition. It's good book.

And do u mean JDK ?? SDK = Software Development Kit and JDK = Java Development Kit.

To compile Java programs u need to install JDK (latest is 1.6).

Check this site : *


Think Zen.
Complete Reference is just that , a complete reference book.

I suggest you avoid it , if you're starting out with Java.
Instead , get Head First Java, Best book for starters AFAIK.


Google Bot
^^ I can vouch for that. :)
You can try this too if you wanna get a hang of things first.. *


Right off the assembly line
get this book ASAP if u don't want to hate programming :D

Dude, dude dude! Books ? What books - go *

Start with Youtube, my man! And remember, first rule of learning from youtube - you don't talk about learning from youtube :p
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