My experience of moving from Android to iOS


Search Bar: App search is there on most Android phones. However its not combined with contact list. Google needs to copy this feature from iOS

The google search bar can search both within contacts and apps.



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Back to school!!
Search Bar: App search is there on most Android phones. However its not combined with contact list. Google needs to copy this feature from iOS

Silence toggle switch : Personally, i find it a pain to use the IP5's silence switch,dunno about iP5S , but IP5 is really hard and is very difficult to use single handed. I always use both hands to push the toggle up / down

Camera folder: Isnt that the same with all Androids and WinMo phones? Showing the last snap as soon as you open your Gallery..
Saiyan answered the first question.

As for your second question look at my post: *

Third one: Yes.


I would rather consider buying a windows phone than an ios.
One of my friend having i5 was facing difficulties when filling online University forms which i think is a very basic feature for a smartphone.
Apple just complicates things in the name of security and the iTunes part i hate the most.
I would stick to phones where i can copy paste the files from pc and start playing them.


Human Spambot
Even though if I own a iphone/ios device, I will have my droid as primary. The only reason is ROM/support. When I get bored download a Rom and install and enjoy.
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