Well those ain't high end laptops. High end laptops mainly come with i7 and 8Gb+ ram with a fhd screen and a powerful graphic card. For that price Z50-70 is a better option.
I realized that from SaiyanGoku's post

Isn't 4GB of nvidia 840m an overkill. Changing it from 2GB to 4GB won't make it a high end graphic card from a medium one. Can it lead to significant performance gain? IMO No. Do tell me what you think.
8GB ram is worth considering but that is available in HP P-077TX which costs me a couple of thousand bucks cheaper except that it doesn't have FHD. Is FHD worth the extra bucks coz my GPU remains the same. So FHD gaming is out of the question. I guess it would make a difference only while watching movies.

You guyz have any idea about whether battery life can be increased by disabling touch screen in the dell 3542 or any touch screen laptop in general? I'm stressing on the dell coz it has a backlit keyboard and I would love to be able to code easily in the dark after my roommates have gone to sleep.