Mozilla admits Firefox is flawed just like IE

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Distinguished Member
In a public mea culpa, Mozilla Corp.'s chief security officer acknowledged today that Firefox includes the same flaw that the company called a "critical vulnerability" in Internet Explorer during a two-week ruckus over responsibility for a Windows zero-day bug.

We thought this was just a problem with IE," Synder continued. "It turns out, it is a problem with Firefox as well."



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Password vulnerability in Firefox

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Password vulnerability in Firefox

According to a message posted over the weekend on the Full-Disclosure mailing list, the latest version of Firefox,, contains a password management vulnerability that can allow malicious Web sites to steal user passwords. If you have JavaScript enabled and allow Firefox to remember your passwords, you are at risk from this flaw.

The Mozilla team fixed a similar flaw last November, one which did not require JavaScript. The heise Security Web site contains a demo/proof of concept of the vulnerability risk that you can use to determine your vulnerability.
The original flaw was referred to as reverse cross-site scripting and was reportedly widely used on
Note: A reader has pointed out that does not allow Javascript, as originally reported. The reader is correct, although there do seem to be workarounds which result in Javascript executing on some browsers.
Discussions between heise Security and Mozilla developers describe a debate among Mozilla developers over removing this feature, since "evil" server pages can steal passwords from browsers whether the user has opted for password management by Firefox or not.
Apple's Safari is vulnerable in the same way. Current workarounds include disabling JavaScript in Firefox or avoiding the use of Firefox password management on sites where users are allowed to post JavaScript pages.


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so nobody tried to know the impact of this vulnerability/?
^ur passwds stored on FF can be stolen already!! :x


You gave been GXified
Soo...firefox sux for storing passwords. Thanx god I have AIRoboform in Windows.

Or keychain in Mac OS with 1Passwd

Or <enter name here> in Linux


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
@Prakash I will continue here itself.

What kind of encryption does IE , FF and Opera use for storing passwords?


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{Linux rants- sry if u dnt get}
I am yet to use a password manager in Debian/Ubuntu.I hope Gnome-keyring-manager,Gpass etc for Gnome or similar for Kde like kwallet helps. or search synaptic for passwd manager


infra_red_dude said:
hmmm.... do i see an opera neophyte in the making??! :)

not really...why should i use firefox when it $ucks...(sadly now its bad)
i use it only because efficient adblocking
now i think its available with all browsers

1 thing i liked in firefox is bookmark toolbar !! hope i get this in opera now.
am goin to try using IE 7 and opera now


dá ûnrêäl Kiñg
praka123 said:
so nobody tried to know the impact of this vulnerability/?
^ur passwds stored on FF can be stolen already!! :x
^^This problem is fixed now


 Macboy
Firefox is the rats. Even though I use it I despise it. The only reason I sort of promote it, is cause IE is the rodent and there's nothing worse than using IE.


You gave been GXified
goobimama said:
Firefox is the rats. Even though I use it I despise it. The only reason I sort of promote it, is cause IE is the rodent and there's nothing worse than using IE.

IE 7's engine is old, that is true. But I guess somebody never used IE 7 "software" on Windows, which in few things beats Firefox :D (Page zoom, better speed of the software part)


 Macboy
Of course there must be somebody who hasn't used IE software on Windows. But not me. I've tried IE 7 thinking that it would make for installing less software (I don't like lots of apps), but sadly, I don't like it one bit. There's also the thing of the "Stop" button separated from the "back forward" buttons. It stretches out to the other side on my 1920*1200 widescreen. Horrible. Gone back to Firefox. Waiting for safari to show some signs of stability (in Windows) and then make the switch.


no browser is FLAWLESS but i still feels Firefox is BETTER than internet explorer and opera
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