Motherboard, processor and PSU


Siddharth Seran

Broken In
Hold on , if you absolutely can't wait then Don't go for Core i3 6th or 7th generation...

going for i3 8100 is pointless , as cheapest motherboard is like Rs 11,000

Then go for G4560 ( it is only 5-6 % slower than Core i3 6100 ) for Rs 5400 + a good H110 motherboard like Gigabyte H110 DS2 ( avoid S2 ) , or Asus H110 D ( if you need HDMI ) for 4000-4500 , if you want good after sale service stick to gigabyte or Asus

H110 requires bios update before you can use this CPU , so make sure to ask seller to do the same before buying and if the board is recently imported it likely should have it , but test it there first otherwise it won't work

otherwise you have some MSI and Asrock B250 boards starting Rs 4500 , that should work out of the box
Are you sure about the mother board cost being 11000. I remember the shopkeeper giving a quote for a total of 12000 which included ani3 processor and motherboard which is DDR3 compatible. So I don't have to buy the Rams. I am on my way to the shop now and I will update with the new quotes


Are you sure about the mother board cost being 11000. I remember the shopkeeper giving a quote for a total of 12000 which included ani3 processor and motherboard which is DDR3 compatible. So I don't have to buy the Rams. I am on my way to the shop now and I will update with the new quotes
Do not buy older i3s. 8th gen i3s would require 300 series mobos and only Z370 boards are available as of now for 11k+.


Ambassador of Buzz
Are you sure about the mother board cost being 11000. I remember the shopkeeper giving a quote for a total of 12000 which included ani3 processor and motherboard which is DDR3 compatible. So I don't have to buy the Rams. I am on my way to the shop now and I will update with the new quotes

yes "8th gen" processors only work with 300 series motherboards , only high end Z370 boards have been launched which cost like 11k

some " very early 6th gen" motherboards had DDR3 support , or else he is giving you old "4th gen" boards with "4th gen" i3 processor .. (4k for board + 8k for 4-5 years old 4th gen Core i3 processor ) Don't go for 4th gen
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Ambassador of Buzz
So made that trip to SP road.

Found out a few things.

- PSU may/may not be repairable. No guarantee on longevity after repair. so decided to go for new one. Might repair it and resell.

if you can confirm which part failed and how much it will cost to fix ..
good high quality PSUs like yours can work 9-10 years easily

He had a mobo sent from another shop and we started testing it and NO it didnt work! that mobo was practiccally compatible with almost all fx8k series except 8350. He had another one sent and this time the mobo was compatible as per the website and while testing we found out that the processor wasnt working. (yet to confirm this for certain)

did you test it with GPU ? as Fx 8350 doesn't have IGPU , not sure if your board had onboard graphics or not

Siddharth Seran

Broken In
So finally going with this combo. As rams are functional we found a processor thats compatible with the mobo we opened yesterday. Gigabyte 78lmt. And amdfx 4300. Saving quite a bit with this.


Super Moderator
Staff member
FX4300 is a weak processor but good enough for day-to-day tasks.Still I suggest to get a new system next year with spectre & meltdown free new design processors.

Siddharth Seran

Broken In
You're probably right. But day to day tasks are what I'll mostly be doing. I feel now that my Rams are working id rather make full use of this and probably upgrade to a much better configuration at a later point.


Ambassador of Buzz
this doesn't seem like decent deal to me .. if you are only going to do day to day task only .

G4560- 5000
Asus H110 D - 4500
Corsair Ram 4gb DDR4- 3500


you get a working system for now , take your time in selling those 2 DDR3 sticks and buy additional single 8 gb DDR4 stick later if you feel the need .. for roughly same amount you get 12 GB ram and a much modern system plus warranty on all parts .. not to mention more performance ( most important single thread performance of Fx 4300 is 35-40 % slower than g4560 ) and low power consumption and no need of external GPU ..
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Siddharth Seran

Broken In
this doesn't seem like decent deal to me at all .. if you are only going to do day to day task only .

G4560- 5000
Asus H110 D - 4500
Corsair Ram 4gb DDR4- 3500


you get a working system for now , take your time in selling those 2 DDR3 sticks and buy additional single 8 gb DDR4 stick later if you feel the need .. for roughly same amount you get 12 GB ram and a much modern system plus warranty on all parts .. not to mention more performance ( most important single thread performance of Fx 4300 is 35-40 % slower than g4560 ) and low power consumption and no need of external GPU ..
Makes sense.
I did not add here which was probably one of the most important factor.this Mobo comes with an integrated graphics card and I had to shell another 3 for a new one.


Ambassador of Buzz
Makes sense.
I did not add here which was probably one of the most important factor.this Mobo comes with an integrated graphics card and I had to shell another 3 for a new one.

i am confused , any typo here ? mobo already has igpu and you spent 3k for discreet GPU ?

did you mean to say that mobo does not have onboard GPU ?
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