Mobile Query

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First of, this is an absolutely great forum way better than any of the other networking sites(read Orkut).

Well friends moi planning to buy a cell in the 25 G to 35 G range.
Now we all know nokia is out with the N95 etc.My experience with Nokia 6708 was pathetic. Software hangups(only company s/w,no additional s/w's added),poor signal reception etc.
Is this prevalent in other Nokia phones of the multimedia and smartphone types??
I am planning to buy a cell for mainly business as in reminders,planners basically a business organizer.
I also would want to listen to music coz i am in marketing and long drives are imperative.
Camera is required but am not much into clarity and quality cozi prefer a nikon or a canon anyday.
I also need speed in loading up the phone. TIME IS MONEY :)
Budget 20 to 35 G SO HALP MOI


You could check out the SE P990i.

Or you could wait for Windows Mobile 6.0 phones to be released this calendar year.


Ambassador of Buzz
Nokia 6708-the only UIQ Symbian phone from NOkia.........the 'ODD' man out!!

It is far different from 'regular' Symbian phones!

N95-probably the Best Multimedia/Business phone at present (Even the prices got recently slashed to 32K)

Go for N95-you'll never regret

Right Choice!!
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