mediator said:U shudn't say anything like that having only one sided experience!
shantanu_webmaster said:I dont think you are correct BUDDY !!!! You asked how many of your BUY NERO - it comes free with BURNERS... WINAMP.. its available free on NET
You can Play games on Linux.anispace said:what? did i say anything wrong?prove me wrong
And who said i have never used linux. I had installed various distros of linux n have Ubuntu cds lying around(cant run them becoz of some hw incompatibility)
can u play PC games on a mac or linux? will i be able to download torrents watch movies listen to mp3s in linux.
yeah i know some of these things r possible but if u arnt a geek(80% of the PC users arnt) then only windows is an option.
And I have original WinXP n have never faced any probs with activation or anything.
YES!anispace said:can u play PC games on a mac or linux? will i be able to download torrents watch movies listen to mp3s in linux.
Not some but all of these things!yeah i know some of these things r possible but if u arnt a geek(80% of the PC users arnt) then only windows is an option.
From ur statements, it really doesn't looks like that u have ever stepped into linux world! So Please stop following rumours from now on. Experience it for urself and then speak!anispace said:And who said i have never used linux.
Very good!anispace said:And I have original WinXP n have never faced any probs with activation or anything
Isnt that idiotic ? Lol dont blame me. You just contradicted yourself.shantanu said:its only because of people like you that PIRACY is GROWING DAY BY DAY
and yes i dont say that i am clean in this field... many times i also bought PIRATED GAMES..
Yea bro, I am aware of Foss/Floss but most of them are yet to meet the professional level attained by many commercial products. For example...nothing comes close to MSOffice in Office Suits. Agree ? Similarly there are multitude of examples.freebird said:perhaps trying the FLOSS softwares can solve this problems,hence piracy.there is a project called GNU WIN for Open Source Softwares for win32,
check it out.
Movies, mp3s etc are not problem with mac or linux. but gaming is a different game all together. Linux is yet to see a boom in gaming arena. It stands no where in comparison to mammoth PC games released every year. But I admit, the future is of linux and linux is maturing very fast. I have used ubuntu to a great extent and I do have a balanced view of both OS.mediator said:Quote:
Originally Posted by anispace
can u play PC games on a mac or linux? will i be able to download torrents watch movies listen to mp3s in linux.
I very rarely use Nero (if ever) but would like to know about those differences and the ones that you regularly use. Just curious.planetcall said:There are difference between a bundled and enterprise edition.
In Linux,these games are emulated as on a win32 environment.there is a software called WINE.there are different projects born from WINE and the best out of it is a paid one: cedega earlier known as winex from a company called transgaming.most famous games(windows versions!) can be played in UNIXens.anispace said:what PC games can u play on Linux?
but gaming(by games i mean NFS, GTA, COD, FIFA, HL, Farcry etc) on Linux still largely dosnt exist.
He asked if it can be done! I'm not talking about the comparison. Neways I'm glad that my favourite game => "kof 98planetcall said:Movies, mp3s etc are not problem with mac or linux. but gaming is a different game all together. Linux is yet to see a boom in gaming arena. It stands no where in comparison to mammoth PC games released every year. But I admit, the future is of linux and linux is maturing very fast. I have used ubuntu to a great extent and I do have a balanced view of both OS.
Can u describe an "average user" in ur own terms please?anispace said:the only point i want to make is that Linux is still not good enough(yeah i admit it will be in the future) for a average pc user n a mac requires its own hardware (ok macosx can be installed on a pc..but thats a diff thing).
That is quite biased view actually. I think u aren't a full time mac or linux user. May be thats y u r making guesses!anispace said:so naturally people prefer windows.
Ofcors they dont exist. But that doesn't mean that they can't exist. There r games like unreal tournament and other heavy duty games that run. U can google to find them. I'm not much of a hardcore gamer, so I dont know all about it. Read this...a thread containing some games. Or u can create a thread in OPENSOURCE asking members to tell u some linux games. I bet u'll be surprised by the response. Its not as advance as windows, but it surely has progressed a lot!anispace said:but gaming(by games i mean NFS, GTA, COD, FIFA, HL, Farcry etc) on Linux still largely dosnt exist.
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I guess this ends it all. Now try to be more curious and explore it (like u used to explore windows when u were noobie and used to call a system engineer everytime when u were stuck with a problem).So explore it before speaking any further!anispace said:am not a Linux pro(only installed it out of curiosity)