Microsoft Visual C++ or TC++ or what

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Broken In
Well if this not a bug than i dont understand wat it is?

i today found that "Microsoft Visual C++" v6.0 on which i performed most of my c and c++ projects, has a bug. i cud not believe it, it was a total annoy for me.

run this problem on MSVisualC++:

int x=5,y; 
y=++x + ++x; 

the output is 14 in MSVisualC++, strange, it shud be 13.

in tc++ however it gives the correct output as 13, also 13 on C# compiler.

Now can anyone here try to clarify why MSVisualC++ gave wrong output? ?


No, the output shud be 14.

I have lost touch in C++, but AFAIK for "++x" , the increment is done before the execution of the whole line. Likewise for "x++", the increment is done after the execution of the whole line.

Try this out n observe!
int main()
int x=5,y;
cout<<"\nFor x++"<<endl;
y=x++ + x++;
cout<<"x = "<<x<<endl;
cout<<"y = "<<y<<endl;

cout<<"\nFor ++x"<<endl;
y=++x + ++x;
cout<<"x = "<<x<<endl;
cout<<"y = "<<y<<endl<<endl;
return 0;
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