+ TextMaker Viewer

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Useful sites for people wanting to convert files from one format to other.
ex. OpenOffice document to word format
This site will convert just about any format to any other for free(online).

Convert document, compressed archive, sound and video file... of any format.

No software is needed, and you don't have to register. You only need your favorite Internet browser. Your files are ready 7/7 days 24/24 hours.

Convert files, for example, to read all Open Office files with Microsoft Office.


TextMaker Viewer [software]

Open, view and print all common word processing formats. Free of charge.

If you want to...

=>open a document created in Microsoft Word, TextMaker, or OpenDocument format, but you haven't installed the respective word processor

=>send a document but you don't know whether the recipient has installed the programs to open it

=>quickly view and print documents without editing them

Supported file formats:

.doc Microsoft Word 6.0 up to Word 2003
.dot Microsoft Word templates 6.0 up to 2003
.tmd TextMaker 6.0 up to 2006
.odt OpenDocument Text
.sxw Text
.rtf Rich Text Format
.psw Pocket Word (Pocket PC)
.pwd Pocket Word (Handheld PC)
.htm/html HTML documents
.txt Text files (DOS, Windows, Unicode, UTF-8)


I had few Open Office documents (.odt format), but as I recently re-installed XP Pro, my old Open Office install was also deleted. Right now I dont have the magazine CD/DVD which has Open Office installer.
So I installed Office XP & it couldnt read OOO's documents (obviously), after some google'in i found these sites, so sharing it:))
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