May I use two antivirus

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yes .. but when a mail server ISNT required.. why keep it open and running ?
and even mail servers at the most store files. . not run it unless someone does. . or its timed ...
a mail server would store files till user downloads and runs on local computer ...

ofcourse that doesnt make them obvlivious to virus attacks .. but my point .. they dun overdo it with 2/4/5/50 av solutions ...
ofcourse they do use it ....


Dude I think seem to have lost you completely.

Mail Server ISNT or IS required depends on the requirement.Anyone could either outsource it or setup a email server in their own premises.It will depend on what they feel is right & want to do.
I dont know which example you are stating w.r.t cause I'm talking about a GENERAL scenario.

As far as opening attachements or user intervention is concerned for example a LAN of 30 hosts per say with a MS Exchange deployed do you expect all users in the LAN to not open that attachement which says "yada yada" ?
Everyone dont think on the same terms as we do maybe..
There is always that everyday joe who thinks the other way around going click ...BOOM ! :)

Forget about the example I gave above,if what you seem to say is correct then why will these solutions exists in the market?

MS Exchange AV Partners

Email Server AV Solutions

As far as overdoing is concerned is concerned I've already written a post before you stating the same.
So I dont know where you got the idea that I was promoting 2/4/.. AV solutions lol

P.S:The entire above post & the earlier posts have been written with a GENERAL SCENARIO in mind.
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