Mandriva 08 queries ?

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Dark Star

Cyborg Agent
Just installed Mandriva 08 Free ed,, please let me know how to mount NTFS drives.. It is getting detected but no write support ... Also I cannot se the drive entries in /media ?

Also How to update Compiz to .60 ? Please help me am new to mandriva :p

Dark Star said:
No Mandriva Free edition not the one edition :S So confusing :p
thats the problem. only OSS drivers. no slightly problamatic stuff in OSS version.
Install proper drivers first. then java, flash, codecs, etc. then Compiz.


A LOTR fan
hi , is there someone whom i can sms for questions in mandriva 08 . . am installing it now . . pm me your number . . its about installing my nvidia gra driver . . i downloaded 169.0.4. run file from their site . . need help in installing it

expecting fast response :)

when i run it as root user in console . . it says . . . unable to find system utility 'ld' . . make sure you have package 'binutils' installed . . if you have it installed check that 'ld' is in your path . . . what does it mean ?

need help :-(
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Beyond Smart
In order to setup the official Nvidia drivers, you'll need to add the non-free repository to your list of installation sources.

The best place to pick up URPMI sources is EasyURPMI at * . Select the mirror you want then check everything except the "backports" options (unless you don't mind running bleeding edge software).

Make sure you run the command "urpmi.removemedia -a" before running the commands it gives you to copy and paste.

To run the commands you'll need to hit Menu -> Tools -> Konsole, and once loaded, type "su" (without quotes) and enter your root user password. Then just run the command above, and copy and paste the commands it gives you from EasyURPMI. (Hint: In Konsole, you have to use Shift+Insert to paste text you've copied.)

Once you have those setup, you'll need to make sure the following packages are installed:

kernel-devel-desktop586-latest (or kernel-devel-desktop-latest if you have the high-end kernel)

As long as those are installed, you should be able to use the Mandriva Control Center (Configure your Computer), to setup the system to use those drivers. (Look in Hardware tab -> Set up the graphical server). After it's all said and done, reboot the system to have everything take affect, and you should be set.

Source: Official Mandriva Forum


A LOTR fan
is this the offline installation methord . . cause i dont have net connection :-(


am downloading the drivers from here ...:)
i hope it works with mandriva
if not i have fedora 8 dvd with me...:)

i dont know why, but ubuntu was a pain for me..:(
i could not even see the other drives
may be i need to bring a guy who knows about linux to help me install it...:(, but mandriva works smoothly

i have downloaded .rpm driver for mandriva when i try to install it , it says , some packages cant be installed due to unsatisfied /usr/bin/gcc . . what should i do ?:-(
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Dark Star

Dark Star

Cyborg Agent
Pat said:
^^not sure about Compiz thingy, but for write access did you try ntfs-3g ?

I tried everything but I think I did not mounted while editing the partition table btw removed it and installed Suse 10.3 :D working perfectly :D


A LOTR fan
what happens to my query . . nothing gets answered . . :-( :a small drop of tear falls from the eyes :


Beyond Smart
regarding the rpm issue, you are caught in what is commonly called as the "dreaded dependency hell"!!

As you do not have a net connection,I would suggest you to find all the dependencies of the rpm package you want to use, then download them! btw,what rpm is it ?


A LOTR fan
i dont know :-(. . . but the thing is its much easy that fedora 8:). . both Ubuntu and fedora failed to detect the d,e,f drives under /mnt . . :-(. now, where to download all the offline packages for mandriva ?
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