Re: Here is Your Answer
abhinavrakesh said:
Have you ever used a volume knob in your walkman it's a variable capacitor and it is connected serially and by the way walkman runs on battery means DC. the type of capacitor i am talking here about is just like a volume knob you increase the power it increases the speed of motor and this capacitor is connected through a power amplifier and this amplifier is as small as a matchstick but here in this Car case you dont need the anplifier if i am understanding it correctly then the pcb board of car is not producing full output to motor which is why the speed and power is somewhat less but by using this capacitor you can increase the speed and overall power of the car it stores the current from PC board and then produce the output to motor the current is 180 degree out of phase due to this the response time of remote or i can say PCB board would decrease but it will work.
Search for Electronis Schematics on google and youwill get the very best circuits for your project.
* Dude!!!! seriously, do you know anything about electronics at all ??????
Do you know what a Capacitor does???? forget that one, do you atleast know what a capacitor is. i dont think so.
The volume control knob on the walkman is a Variable Resistor and not a capacitor, and putting a resistor in series also does not help. Resistors are used to decreases the current flowing through it . so there will only be further speed reduction and no speed gain.
abhinavrakesh said:
To increase the range of remote (Take a 9V battery and then the -ve terminal you have to ground it and the +ve terminal of battery is connected to the antenna. this +ve charged terminal will increase your antenna response and remote range but dont connect the battery with +ve and -ve terminal of remote. earthed the -ve terminal and connect the +ve terminal to the antenna of remote.
this is also incorrect and wont work. Waves cannot propagate through should use a Signal booster stage for this.
I saw the Picture u sent to me. here it is
1. The block 1 is a tank circuit. This is the part which recives the signal from the antenna and filters unnessary noise. Its just a LC circuit ( i.e., Inductor and Capacitor connected in Parallel)
2.This is a microcontroller. This is the heart of the circuit. the Microcontroller has a few KB of memory In which a Assembly program is written. this controller has to do many functions. the functions are
decoding the signals from the transmitter
Drive the Rear motor ( Forward/Reverse)
Drive the stearing motor(Left/Right)
3.this microcontroller controlles the two motors by use of two H-bridge ICs (Block (2 & 3)). this ic can also be used to change the direction of the motor. There are two function pins in that IC for the . One is for the speed Control and the other for the direction. By sending out the appropriate signals to these IC the microcontroller controls the forward/reverse motion and also the left/right stearing.
adi87 i hope you now understood the working of the circuit.
Coming to speed Problem.
I was thinking all the time that the Joystick would be a analog one, but this is not the case. The joystich you showd me is just a switch. it just detects if the forward button is pressed or the reverse button is pressed. It is possible to modify the software on the microcontroller to include a speed control. but without the knowledge of the correct microcontroller core or the source code itself its difficult to make the changes.
Give me some more time so that i can figure out any alternative methods to modify this one and also the range problem.