Linux Newbie. Installation Problem

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"The Cake is a Lie!!"
Those are Mostly the Source Files.. i.e. Softwares that are not Compiled Yet..

Search the Stickies for Help...

Edit: This Thread is Extremely Useful.


1. Extract the folder in tar to a directory, or files in tar to a folder in a directory!!
2. open terminal and change to that folder
3. command "./configure"
4. command "make" //You shud be able to run files now from that directory by commanding "./executable_file_name"
5. change to root and command "make install" to bring the executables in path!

Some times there are install scripts like "", for that command "sh". But u shud read the README file first!


Wise Old Owl
First extract the compressed file, open the Terminal Window

$ gzip -d package.tar.gz

Now, you'll get a TAR archive file in the same directory.

$ tar xvf package.tar

To install a software package:

$ su -
# ./
Or you may get a file by name
Also read the file README for full instructions.

To install the package from the Source code:

First you should have installed the C/C++ compilers (gcc, g++, etc.,)

$ ./configure
$ make
$ su -
# make install

You can follow the steps given by @Mediator, I'm just making things more clearer
& simple for you to understand.


Broken In
Thanks guys! This stuff some what makes sense. I understood J Guru. I aint a technical person with respect to Linux. Not yet atleast. Anyways thanks you guys!
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