linux installaion problem??

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I got a P4 with HT 3.0ghz. 915gav motherboard. sata rive 80gb. When i try to install redhat linux v9 i get the following message no harddisk found .Please help!!!


Cyborg Agent
r u sure tht the HD is connected properly and configured

try with diff linux distro
even i got a prob with FC4

i suggest u will be better served on this in the open source section !!!


Cyborg Agent
Most probably you'll be using SATA HDD, which unfortunately is not supported by Older versions of linux kernel.

And RH9 is pretty old. I suggest you to use some newer distros like FC4/OpenSuSE/Ubuntu Breezy Badger.


In the zone
SATA is not supported By RH9

so try some New distro,

nd u r having a good config system, why r u going for old distro.............
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