LC_ALL error

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Evil Genius
What is this weird error I am getting?? Everytime I open up a console, I get this error:

locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory

Then after that, if I type the following command, I get this error:

[faraaz@(none) ~]$ svn ls *
svn: error: cannot set LC_ALL locale
svn: error: environment variable LC_CTYPE is en_US.UTF-8
svn: error: please check that your locale name is correct

What does this mean?? I'm running PCLOS TR4...


18 Till I Die............
check your locale file. It's in /etc/env.d/locale for me. On your distro it could be different.
Run this command to find the file
locate locale
if it complains of datebase not being updated or found then run


Evil Genius
I typed locate locale in the Konsole and this is my output:

[faraaz@(none) ~]$ update db
bash: update: command not found

What do I do next?
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18 Till I Die............
See this * it might work.
You need to find the locale file in your distro, it's /etc/environment in Ubuntu.
I guess you'll get better help on PCLinuxOS's forums or IRC channel on the exact directory and tools used by PCLOS.

And that command is updatedb not update db


El mooooo
Type locale command in your console and post its output. Also did you try to change your system language or something?


Evil Genius
No I didn't change...and I already typed out locale and posted its output...I think its on that link since Mehulved edited my post. Hmm...I'm going to be formatting and re-installing the PCLOS Final version anyway, since it got released like 2 days ago. It should finish downloading in like another 12 hours or so...


left this forum longback
No u dont.reinstalling is not a soltn unlike seems u need to set and regenerate ur locale config.there should be some tools available.Unfortunately I dont know the command.but as root,u can try luck in a terminal(konsole?) and type "locale" and press TAB key to see all the commands available with locale starting.for queries reg any commands type in ur terminal and press enter as follows: "man commandname"


Evil Genius
[root@(none) ~]# locale
locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory
[root@(none) ~]#

Is this the output?? What do I do next?


left this forum longback
as reg original question.
U got hindi also set as ur locale :? .dude set en_US.UTF8 as ur default LANG-if ur using ur Linux in ENGLISH.
ur problem is ur distro does not yet set "LC_ALL" env variable for U. a temporary soltn is to try setting as below in a terminal.
press try subversion(svn).
^^ this will last for current session only and u need to save this in ur locale mgmt file.(/etc/locale.something..).this is managed may be by some gui tools in pclin
^^ a terminal help for new Linux/UNIX users.
after entering "locale" after "#" prompt,did u pressed keyboard TAB key(twice)?bash shell(terminal) tries to auto complete.just post what all commands u got.
if u dont get how to be a root(admin) user-
open a terminal(with a "$" prompt).type below commands and press enter:
~$ su -
give ur root password and enter to get a root(with a "#" prompt) terminal and try above.
ps:Hey some mandr(ake)iva users him get the command to regenerate locale files.


left this forum longback
problem is u got hindi set as ur locale in some variables,while in some u got english-us.utf8 :?
I dont use Mandriva or pclinux os.someone who is deep into it please explain him how to correct the locales to english and regenerate locale time select only english as ur locale while during Installation whatever ur distro is.formatting and re-installation is meant for windows users :lol: pls @faraaz dont be there in win users league @tleast u've claimed u got shifted.
So stick up with a distro for sometime.It helps.dont login as root and is dangerous as u can directly alter and mess with OS files.


El mooooo
Edit your .bashrc (notice the dot in front of the name) file which is located in your home directory and put the following in it
export LC_ALL=en_US.utf8
export LANG=en_US.utf8
Save the file, logout and log back in. Now type the locale command again and see if LC_ALL has some value in it or not. Also you don't need to run locale command as root, you can do it as normal user.


Evil Genius
@praka123: Ehh...I have my moments of weakness!! :) What to do...Linux is sometimes very frustrating for a newbie because there's all these weird files acting up for no good reason. For instance, today my Beryl died on me. In the sense, my cube was set to transparent and Inside-Out...I prefer it that way...but suddenly it reverted to the default style and my window borders disappeared. I had to re-start X-Server from login screen multiple times and re-start Beryl with that Ctrl+Alt+Backspace shortcut before it would load again. I still dunno why that is...

That's all...

I'm away from my Linux box at the I'll try out that file editing stuff and get back to you guys on what happened.


left this forum longback
^^its OK.
reg question,I suspect that u selected hindi for ur system locale but ur PClinuxOS is missing hi_IN.UTF-8.So at gdm or kdm screen select ur session by selecting language as en_us.Utf8.if not select "C" :rolleyes:
btwn as @mehulved shown ur LANG= variable must have been set in /etc/environment .u can inspect with "env" command.
@eddie:isnt env variable LANG enough?no where LC_ALL is forced? with posix systems LANG is set by default while LC_ALL is not set.correct me if am wrong.
This is not an environment variable; it is only a macro that you can use with setlocale to set a single locale for all purposes. Setting this environment variable overwrites all selections by the other LC_* variables or LANG.
If this environment variable is set it overrides the selection for all the locales done using the other LC_* environment variables. The value of the other LC_* environment variables is simply ignored in this case.

what is the command for genarating locale files in Mandriva/pclinos? is it "locale-gen" or localedef?


Evil Genius
@eddie: I edited that .bashrc file and it worked! No more error!! And that svn command worked too!! :) Thanks guys!!

This is what I love about Linux, even if you do screw up...people help you out even though its a really obscure and dumb problem!! :)


El mooooo
praka123 said:
@eddie:isnt env variable LANG enough?
Mostly yes, sometimes no. Some programs have been shown to be really anal about LC_ALL setting so it is better to declare both of them.
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