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Pain is Forever
ashok jain said:
dear ,

i have no idea about any good brand for SLi , but in mumbai u can check for VIP or coolermaster smps 500 or 550 one , call 022-23822424 they are dealer .


hey ashok any update on xfx 8600T rate.............:)


Pain is Forever
ashok jain said:
dear ,

i have no idea about any good brand for SLi , but in mumbai u can check for VIP or coolermaster smps 500 or 550 one , call 022-23822424 they are dealer .


hey ashok thanx alot the tel. no. u have mention here helped me alot........:)


Ambassador of Buzz
I need the rates for following items in Mumbai.

Intel C2D E6750
MSI P35 Neo Combo/Nvidia 650i Ultra/Nvidia 680i LR
Transcend/Kingston 2 GB DDR2 800 FSB
LiteOn/Sony DVD Writer 20x with LightScribe Technology
XFX 8600GT 256 MB
Seagate 320 GB Sata
Microsoft Wireless Keyboard + Mouse
LG/Samsung 17" LCD Monitor
HP/Samsung MFD Printer

Also tell me where can i buy them in mumbai.


Pain is Forever
sachin_kothari said:
I need the rates for following items in Mumbai.

Intel C2D E6750
MSI P35 Neo Combo/Nvidia 650i Ultra/Nvidia 680i LR
Transcend/Kingston 2 GB DDR2 800 FSB
LiteOn/Sony DVD Writer 20x with LightScribe Technology
XFX 8600GT 256 MB
Seagate 320 GB Sata
Microsoft Wireless Keyboard + Mouse
LG/Samsung 17" LCD Monitor
HP/Samsung MFD Printer

Also tell me where can i buy them in mumbai.

hey sachin call the above no. they'll really give u the good rate they quoted 6.5k for XFX 8600GT 256MB........better call them:smile:


Wise Old Owl
the 7900GS ofcorse . its a much better performer and OCer than 8600GT . and for next 2 yrs , dont expect any games to come out for dx10 only , they will have a dx9 pathway , so if 9k is ok , go4 7900GS.


Broken In
sagargv said:
the 7900GS ofcorse . its a much better performer and OCer than 8600GT . and for next 2 yrs , dont expect any games to come out for dx10 only , they will have a dx9 pathway , so if 9k is ok , go4 7900GS.
But with 8600GT one has the option of DX10 gaming... Also if u see Bioshock has put 8600 series in their recommended requirements...So I am assuming that performance of 8600GT in DX10 will not be lacklustre...Moreover there is a possibility of better driver coming out which might nullify the performance b/w it and 7900 series in DX9... It's basically choosing between something that is new and getting better and gives you more options AND something which is already performing at its peak and we know it cant get better... One more thing: What if a DX10 exclusive game comes out next year end? In that case 7 series would be useless...In that same game,with better drivers for both 8600 and Vista, we all might be pleasantly surprised by the performance of our 8600GT:)


Can you guys tell me the price of these config? Delhi prices will be preferred::
1) C2Q6600 (Tell me if G0 stepping is available @ SMC in delhi?)
2) xfx 650i ultra
3) 2x2GB 800MHz RAM (Tell me a good performer value ram)
4) AL ATP3 2.1 speakers
5) Seagate 320GB SATA2 HDD
6) Viewsonic 17"/19" widescreen VDU
7) Logitech MX510 mouse + Any good multimedia keyboard.
8 ) What kinda PSU will I need.
9) 8600GT/ 7900GS/GT [Take a look at itwares, they quote 7950's price as 500 bucks]
10) Any other thing that hasnt struck my mind!! :)

I have a DVD burner.
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