Kubuntu Queries

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The Outsider

Beneath The Eyelids
got the Kubuntu live cd today, so i wish to install it
1. how do i do it if i wanna make triple boot, create one more "/" and one more swap eh? :D as i already got xp and ubuntu installed
2. else if i wanna remove my already installed ubuntu and if i do it with the install disc (of kubuntu), format the "/" and the swap and install kubuntu in it, will it work? and will the grub detect the xp? and will the ubuntu be successfully removed?
3. i wanna shift my friend to linux and i've heard with the kubuntu desktop installer cd i can't install packages and on ubuntu forums i read that people faced problems in detecting their hardware in kubuntu but the same hardware was working fine in ubuntu, is that true? (gotta go to his home, sit beside him and install it so i wanna ensure nothing bad happens)

thanks in advance :)


18 Till I Die............
1) If you have free space on your hard disk, you can create one more / partition. No need to make separate swap space. Select the same swap partition you used for Ubuntu.
2) Yes things should go fine.
3) If the cd you have is live installer CD, first run it in live mode and see if everything works, if it does go ahead and do the installation.


Wise Old Owl
@Chester, Allocate 8 GB for 'root'. Since you have already installed Ubuntu & created
a swap for it, no need to create another swap!! Kubuntu can use the same swap.
I can't give you any assurances regarding how Kubuntu will work in friends PC hardware!!
You have just try & see it for yourself. If you get some error messages or some problems.
Then let us know. We will help you.
The Outsider

The Outsider

Beneath The Eyelids
the installer works fine till the page where we have to select between the partitioning type, there i select the 3rd option (manual partitioning), then its starts analysing partitions, till 60% it goes ok then the analyzing stops and i'm directed to next page (where i should see all the partitions listed and options to edit them) but that page is blank :( , only the message at the end shows up which says "remember to allocate minimum 2 gb for / partition etc etc..", but the continue button is still there, i click on it nothing happens, i click on it again and it says "installer carshed" and mentions the bug in detail. i'm confused

then i tried to open qparted and the same happened with it, it analysed the partitions till 60% and poof it crashed

ps i have tried safe mode and another disk too, so its not a problem in the media.

i think the problem is with the ext3 partition which already exists (the one in which ubuntu is installed) cause konquerer only shows up my ntfs partitions, no sign of ext3 partition in konquerer.


Wise Old Owl
@Chester, If you want to view the partitions from Kubuntu, open the Konsole Window & type:

$ sudo fdisk -l

This will display all the partitions in the harddisk.

OK. I'll tell you another method for installing Kubuntu. This one needs Net connection,
preferably 128 kbps or higher. Boot normally from Ubuntu . Open the Terminal Window & type:

$ sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop

This will download all the KDE packages & libraries from the Net. It will download 159 MB
of archives & after unpacking 486 MB of disk space would be used. After the installation
is complete.Logout, & in Login Screen choose 'Session' as 'KDE'. That's all. You got Kubuntu!!
The Outsider

The Outsider

Beneath The Eyelids
ah bro was awatin your reply, i'll try that command and bout that method i know it already but is there any way i can resume the download, 150+ mb on dialup in go sounds a bit hard,
btw is it better to install with "apt-get" or "aptitude" is better?



Wise Old Owl
@Chester, You can download Kubuntu & it's libraries using dial-up. Don't worry whatever
is downloaded is cached (stored) in the directory '/var/cache/apt/archives'. So if you
enter the command to download Kubuntu, first 'apt-get' will check the cache. In case
if you have downloaded 80 MB, it will continue from the 81 MB!! So you can definitely
download it using dial-up. But it takes lot of time. That's all.
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