Keyboard problem...


The Power of x480
Staff member
Which keyboard is this TVS Rs 150 only?

I said "around". I bought it in June of last year, so don't exactly remember the price. Still all keys are perfect and smooth.
The model name at the back of keyboard is, "TVS20009".

Edit: I bought it June 2009. Guess, I underestimated my own awesome keyboard! :-D


^That is one awesome purchase. :p

Anyway I vote for the legendary TVS Gold. It is a one-time investment.


I am the master of my Fate.
Thanx guys for the max people r suggesting TVS keyboard.I will check it out if not found then Logitech.


I am the master of my Fate.
Whoppiee..I cleaned the Plastic Circuit with cloth...
& now my keys are back to Life....thank god
money is saved....


Hats off to you for trying and congrats on repairing. I would have dumped the keyboard at the first opportunity. :|


I am the master of my Fate.
Hats off to you for trying and congrats on repairing. I would have dumped the keyboard at the first opportunity. :|

Haha..God has sent its spirit back to earth saying 'your time has not come few more days/years!!!' :cloud9:


Broken In

Clean it further/once more or a few more times with IPA.

My mom won't listen to me, and keeps having coffee just where it can spill onto the keyboard, and ended up soaking two keyboards in coffee. When the first one(a Samsung keyboard) was out of service, I cleaned the PCB sheet with wet cloth and let it dry. When it did not work I bought a slim-ass Nav-Tech keyboard. Even this had a similar sequence of events. Then I bought the TVS keyboard. It is definitely one of the best, if not the best, for the action.

I reopened the old keyboards and cleaned them more detailed-ly with IPA, and they are working as they must :D. Each of them must have seen at least 5 years of usage.


Broken In
^whats IPA?


Logitech K200, low profile & robust. Used it for 1-2 weeks and it looked good to me.

P.S. you are very lucky in having a keyboard which worked flawlessly for 7 years. ;) Congrats!!

I donno, I like the designs which maintain the 'typewriter form' - the curved elevation of the key-rows. Most of the newer keyboards are just flat.


The Power of x480
Staff member
^^ Never really used a elevated keys format keyboard.
But I am guessing, it would be difficult for me to type on those, since I am using a flat one for like, eternity.


Broken In
^^ Never really used a elevated keys format keyboard.
But I am guessing, it would be difficult for me to type on those, since I am using a flat one for like, eternity.

Not elevated - but if you see from the sides it is a little curved - kinda concave towards the user's hands.