JK Rowling drops hints of possible eighth Harry Potter book

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!! RecuZant By Birth !!
Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling has strongly hinted for the first time that she could write an eighth book in the series.

Rowling, 42, admits she has 'weak moments' when she feels she will pen another novel about the boy wizard.

One of her biggest fans – her 14-year-old daughter Jessica – has already put pressure on her to revisit the character.

And her younger children – David, four, and Mackenzie, two – are likely to join the clamour for another novel as they discover the Potter books.

However, if an eighth novel were to be written, Rowling concedes it is unlikely that Harry would be the central character.

She finished the seventh book in the series – Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows – last January.

At the time she thought she was ending a 17-year association with the boy wizard.

But in an interview with Time magazine, which put Rowling at No 3 in its Person Of The Year list, she said: "There have been times since finishing, weak moments, when I've said 'Yeah, all right' to the eighth novel "If - and it's a big if - I ever write an eighth book, I doubt that Harry would be the central character. I feel I've already told his story.

"But these are big ifs. Let's give it ten years."

In the meantime, Rowling is working on two writing projects – an adult novel and a "political fairy tale" – and is involved in charity work.



In the zone
I knew that she will not stop after having such popularity of her novel. And also why should she stop...?


A LOTR fan
now running harry potter in 20s ,coming attractions-
30s of potter ,
40s of potter,. . and so on . . next ,life of potters son .tsk,tsk


I have Yolks not Brains!
No .........I don't have the courage to read 8th books after reading 5th and 7th....
She should stop at the seventh ...........


The Devil's Advocate
abey ekta kapoor k serial chalte hain na :D ghasit te ghasit tey yeh bhi pakaegi abhi


Pawned!... Beyond GODLIKE
dont compare JO with "ekta ki anekta".
jo did a horrible mistake in writin style of book 7 though story(means the main story n not everything like stupid murder or harry ron fight) was the best outta 7books.

but yeah if she want to write 8th book its her wish and any fan wil be delighted to read it.but yeah she has to something new and more creative n NOT JUST BRINGIN VOLDY BACK!
i wish she writer on some other character like Dumbledore or the other character.

but yeah write and 8th book wil be a lot difficult.

it may be that many of us are seein her as a TURNIN INTO GREEDY MONEY MINDED PERSON.
but yet no1 knows and the emotional touch like she has with her lovely creation wil compel every write to write a sequel. i dont think any writer in the entire history hav just a long and strong emotional touch with his book for 17 years.

its really difficult for any1 to come out of such feelin.

and yeah if she writes a 8th book then i will be first 1 to read it as i m a true harry potter fan n i wil remain a true harry potter fan.

PS : i love the CREATION and not the CREATOR


A LOTR fan
talking about the creation , LOTR took 12 years for completion . but anyways , am not comparing it with this . but i strongly feel that the series (which is already a crap from book 6 onwards)will be getting more worse.


Here Since 2003
Quite surprising to see that everyone here is so narrow minded.
I doubt if its money. She already has more than enough of that.
She has devoted two decades of her life to Harry Potter. So no doubt she misses Harry, she misses the magical world.

I wouldnt mind her writing something else about the HP world, but I dont want it to be about HP. The ending we were given was beautifull. It was perfect. In the end magic and good (Dumbledore!) prevailed. The 'boy who lived' lived on.


The Dark lord
now she becomes a greedy money minded and thinking off ruining the whole series anyways thanks for the info


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lol ;)

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