I purchased 400GD seagate ide hard disk, but not able to install win xp proffession. It start installing and after copying files when it restart and supposed to ask the partion where u want to install xp , it gives error " unmountable_boot_volumn. (BLUE SCREEN ERROR)
I did partion in this disk through connecting as a secondry disk and using winxp disk management, i create various partions. my first partion is 20 gb and here i am trying to install win xp proff edition. All are FAT32 partions . Is there any limit of OS to recognize hard disk capacity or any other problem. any other limitations in 400GB seagate disk. But as a secondry it shows all new partions. But when i attach a new one only and try to install win xp prof. it always gives the same error. XP cd don't have any problem i am sure.
any other free disk partion and formatting s/w ? which able to format 400 gb ide disk
I purchased 400GD seagate ide hard disk, but not able to install win xp proffession. It start installing and after copying files when it restart and supposed to ask the partion where u want to install xp , it gives error " unmountable_boot_volumn. (BLUE SCREEN ERROR)
I did partion in this disk through connecting as a secondry disk and using winxp disk management, i create various partions. my first partion is 20 gb and here i am trying to install win xp proff edition. All are FAT32 partions . Is there any limit of OS to recognize hard disk capacity or any other problem. any other limitations in 400GB seagate disk. But as a secondry it shows all new partions. But when i attach a new one only and try to install win xp prof. it always gives the same error. XP cd don't have any problem i am sure.
any other free disk partion and formatting s/w ? which able to format 400 gb ide disk