issue acquiring IP - router & laptop


Cyborg Agent
I have Dell latitude office laptop with Win XP SP3. Off lately it takes long time to connect to my home Wifi. (> 2 mins) I have reserved IP for this in my Dlink router config, however sometimes it gets connected (that too after long retries) with some different IP starting 169.254 series! Or a few times with and then after a few minutes again disconnects and tries to acquire IP. In such cases internet is not available as well.Sometimes after restarting laptop it gets the correct IP or sometimes just after several attempts after getting first.

I do not face any issues with Samsung mobile or desktop PC when connecting to home wifi. It seamlessly gets connected.
Even at office also it gets connected timely to office wifi.
I am puzzled what’s going wrong here.


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^ try to repaid the network connection - on the notification/system tray area right click on your appropriate lan adapter/network connection icon and select repair and see what happens.


I think u are using DHCP method to acquire the ip I think u should try to manually enter the ip address


King of Heroes
^In his case,DHCP is not working.Either fix that or manually enter the IP address.
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Super Moderator
Staff member
the Internal DHCP server of the hmw wifi is working and that's why OP can get a IP adress on his phone and laptop flawlessly but on the desktop pc OP must have some sort of IP blocking app which is getting into way of acquiring IP address of the network adapter or else Op's network adapter have some sort of HW issue or it's simply some network related config/windows file gone bad which can be fixed easily.


King of Heroes
^Ok.My bad.
@OP.Try these commands one by one after connecting with wifi.
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
See if that helps.
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