Is it the right time to upgrade to a DVD-Writer?

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Phew :lol: That was SOME discussion, Well as I can see that the opinions are still mixed and not prominent enough, so I have stalled my current plans of upgrading to a DVD-Writer!
Anyway that was an enlightening discussion. :idea:


In the zone
I got a Lite-on which i got in Oct 04 it SOHW-1633s. It supports dual layer disks. Till now i have had not any problems. It burns local and branded equally well. Its firmware can be upgraded and it can be tweaked eg. over speeding etc. [/url]



Dude don't buy anything else.Go for LG.
Yuo'll get great after-sales support for this dvd-writer.
Secondly its priced really low at Rs.4300.
It supports all the formats available in the market. DVD +/- R/RW all work on it really fine.
You won't ever require the after sales support, the dvd-writer is just perfect.

Regarding the cost of DVD media
Branded cost

Single layer Rs.55-110
Dual layer - Around Rs.500

DVD+RW ( HP ) - Rs.125


i dont know how the tech guyz r unaware abt benq 1640..........dude jus do google search on u will know seeing the detail review of it...jus got mine yesterday...3.55k....plexor do mak good drive but in india it still cost 7k......way mor than any other drive(and if money is not a problem go 4 it)

i got 25 dvd-r pack princo...for 400(16for 1 disc)
moserbaer(original-370(10pack))sony(400(10 pack))
1 moserbaer dvd rw-95
(5 pack---was for 475)..but the guy gave it too another person for 85 a disc and on bargain gav only 400(said will giv 25 buks l8er)......but when i asked he said his buying r8 is 88...(after discussing with a guy who said the disc is now 110 bucks)...i m not too sure abt the r8es.....but do buy it frm roadside.....they know there market well

and i guess its the right time to get the will come down......butuntill next year it would cost something ard 2.6-2.8...
blue ray disc wont come unless ps3 is released...and it would take another 4-6 months to enable it on dvd drive...and most probably ull need a seperate drive...becoz present one wont support


In the zone
sony is always better than lite-on.
who said liteon is rebadged version? i have seen both products in market at the same time when i was gettin a new cd writer.


hI. Chk the DND Writers review at They have a complate Test report of all 16X DVD writers. The best as per them is Benq 1640A. It has a new feature which detects teh quality of DVDs & accordingly sets up teh DVD write parameters. This they claim avoid creation of coasters by 99 %. Chk out. I suggest postpone ur buying to Nov as 24X is expected by then with DL RW capablity. If u can wait fine else go for Benq1640 on lamington rd for rs 3150. Cheers


It is not the right time to buy as newer feature are coming in and shortly blu ray dvd rw will be launched.


Cyborg Agent
Well, sony is rebadged liteon (different firmware).

No need to wait for blu-ray (or hd-dvd) as even DL dvd-r media is not yet widespread in india. The next gen dvd recorder will take some time to become available and affordable and its media to become available, then affordable.


In the zone
Sony dvd writer is a rebadged lite-on....................

If you change your lite-on's firmware you can convert it to a sony.

Warning: It will void your warranty.
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