internet sharing problems using bluetooth

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i just got my dell inspiron 1420. i am trying to connect to internet thru my desktop using bluetooth dongle and laptop bluetooth.

now i am able to make a personal area connection between the two but if i try to surf the net it doesnt connect to the net. what else is required for me do. also when i connect the laptop to desktop via dongle , laptop gives a message " bluetooth peripheral device found installing driver" is it that i need to install dongle drivers on laptop also.

my laptop is on vista and desktop on windows xp. please help me out.

also if any1 cud give a detailed description on how to share the internet between the two, please explain.


Right off the assembly line

You need to get bluetooth dongle software with Personal Area Networking Service support. Then make Personal Area Networking Service option active with "access lan network" selected. This lan network would be your network adapter card of your desktop where broadband is connected.

Then pair both the device, i.e your desktop and laptop. It depends on the bluetooth dongle access area, if it is 1meter then laptop should be within 1 meter of desktop to get paired up.

Then rightclick on lan connection on taskbar of your laptop and select to join through bluetooth PAN network.You will see your desktop as PAN access point. Select the desktop access point and connect.

Now your internet sharing is ready. Make sure the LAN connection for bluetooth on your desktop should have internet sharing selected.
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