Charan said:
personal data going out? or someone hacking into my system ???
first of all ur asking a n00b in networking these ques?
I think it can be possible for a hacker(rare chance) to attach to ur system via http port or any open port via telnet.ofcourse mostly read only one.but may be some worms which can exploit vulnerability in suid etc systems or elf binary linking format,it can harm as it gets admin(root) privilages.although very rare.another plot is someone who get privilages can install a custom rootkit which can work for the hacker as a server!it is ofcourse more or less the same for all operating systems?
Charan said:
can you provide me some more info on the vulnerability? format (use "readelf -a" to get info about elf file)
kernel bug?suid?sgid?sudo?<==reliability
Denial Of Service vulni(obsolete info maybe),privilage escalation?:
a good read:
Charan said:
As a java browser applet or a application?
AFAIK browser applet can be!