I have a Geforce 6800 from BFG and when I try to OC it using the nvidia system utility I get the blue screen error on Windows XP with SP2 pro. Any ideas why ?
I recommend you uninstall SP2 and overclock by enabling coolbits and then directly OC'ing thru Driver Menu.
But really too hard to believe you overclocked it with Stock Cooling...
What should i do to prove that i am using stock cooling ? :roll:
Another thing..your are a super moderator at Tech-arena... How did you pull this one ???? Razz
I didnt get you.
For a person who has never done any over-clocking please suggest a safe and an easy way.Thanks
From where do we start? Ah yes,the mobo,what features It's BIOS provide for OC'ing.
Then comes CPU,core,clock speed,FSB......determine OC'ing potential.
Case ventilation.....the list is long.
i cant blive Intel Celeron D 320 2.4 gigs @ 3.9Ghz
is it really true??
I have posted a scrennshot,what more can i do?