Installing BitDefender problem..

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Stabbing my shoe
Hi! Friends,
I tried installing BitDefender in SuSE 9.1 from the DIGIT DVD from YaST. But, whenever, I try to install the .rpm file, the following error comes up.
Now, since I have installed LINUX and know almost nothing, plz tell me what should I do to remove these errors and install BitDefender successfully.

Also, give me proper guidelines on installing program sproperly in LINUX. I still hve not got a satisfactory answer over this FORUM[/img]


Broken In

The problem is that for some reason, Suse is trying to uninstall the packages
'hotplug' and 'iwidgets'. Did you get click happy and click here and there and everywhere? ;)

Anyway, the solution is to simply check the boxes
Do not set HotPlug to taboo
Do not set Iwidgets to taboo

And now click
ok-- try again

Unfortunately Suse has chosen to give unhelpful messages in Yast. Too bad.

Installing Linux software.

Linux software usually comes in two flavours:
(a) Packaged rpm file
(b) Source code.

Installing RPM
To install an rpm file, you can login as root (or su to root from an terminal), and open a terminal. Go to the directory where you have the file and type:
rpm -ivh filename.rpm.

Installing Source code.
First unpack it by using
tar -zxvf filename.tgz
tar -zxvf filename.tar.gz
tar -jxvf filename.tar.bz2

depending upon the file extension.
Now you need to compile it. Now there is a slight complication, because the source code may come in various formats, and most of the times the software requires some other software to be installed etc. I will give instructions for just the code which uses autoconf (which is most of them)

Change to the source code directory, and type
If configure did not report any error, type
This will compile the software. If no errors, go to next step.
Then type su to login as root, and enter root password. Now type
make install
This will install the software.


Edit: Removed ./ from make and make install commands.


@pallav - That should be simply "make" and "make install", without the ./, right? As the make tool would not be present inside the source code directory, but probably in /usr/bin ;)

However,"./configure" should be as it is, it is a shell script present in the directory itself.

And you will also need to have the development packages installed to install software from its source code, so make sure you have gcc, g++, make, yacc, binutils installed.

And as for the RPM file, try installing it from the command line, maybe the errors will make better sense -

Open a terminal and browse to the directory containing the RPM, and then enter

rpm -ivh xyz.rpm

Replace xyz with the filename.


Broken In
ujjwal said:
@pallav - That should be simply "make" and "make install", without the ./, right? As the make tool would not be present inside the source code directory, but probably in /usr/bin ;)

Yes, of course. Thanks for pointing out the error. I have edited the post and fixed the problem.



Stabbing my shoe
Regarding mplayer..

Thank You very much for your help.
:arrow: Bit Defender is installed but I don't se it in the Start menu (i.e. KDE menu) So, how do I start it?
:arrow: I have one more problem.. When I started installing MPlayer.. I got the following reply from YAST2:
So, please tell me what should I do?
:arrow: Also, I configured my modem and also entered details like Username , Password, Dial Up number.. (I use a BSNL Dialup). BUt whenver I start the connection.. it does not connect.. The setting is set to PULSE Dialing..


Broken In

(a)I don't know what bitdefender is, but try typing BitDefender on a command prompt?

(b) This error means that you need library (already installed) to install mplayer, because Mplayer may be using it. Whenever you need something but you don't know what it is, Go to
* and search for your libraries. In this case, I entered libxv and found some files. Download the rpm for your distribution. If you don't find a suse version, go to Suse's website and search there.

Afterwards, Install the libxv version first. Then install mplayer.

(c) I don't know How to fix the modem problems, since when I had a modem I also could not connect :) Maybe you should ask in LUG (Linux Users Group) in your area. They usually have a mailing list where you can ask such questions.

Also try to search google here:



BitDefender can be started by entering "bdc" in a console. Run "bdc --help" to see all options.

As for the modem, have you set up your modem properly? If it is an internal Winmodem, you may need to install drivers for it, and in the worst case, it may not be able to work at all.
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