Installation stops at 4th CD for SuSE 10.1

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The Thread Killer >:)
Hi guys!
I got this problem and I just cannot correct it. I removed FC5(which was successful and did in the right manner, i.e., cleared the partition) and tried to install SuSE 10.1. I downloaded all of them from the official site, burned them onto CDs at 8x with CD verification done. When I tried to install it, it was all working fine, until it asked me for the 4th CD. I put in the 4th CD and give OK, the same dialog box appears asking for the CD again. I tried numerous times, but to no avail. I tried Skip, it didn't accept either. So, I decided to go for Abort to cancel the install. It restarted with the GRUB and I tried to log into SuSE as it came up with the screen with the username and password. Since the install was cancelled in the middle, the username and password is not being accepted(as there are none). Trying to reset the root password by pressing 'e' at the boot option has not helped at all I don't get any options to get in and change the settings. I hope I don't have to download that CD again and burn it.

Help on this would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


18 Till I Die............
Check the md5sums of the cd contents and see if they match up. There are a few utilities out there for windows.
And if you still have those iso's of the CD's check their md5sum too.
md5sum of the cd will be available from any mirror of suse.
For more just google up. And wikipedia can also help if you don't know about md5sum


Try reinstall using bootable DVD (preferably). or CD from other source.
No need to download, available from various sources easily. :D


The Thread Killer >:)
tech_your_future said:
Check the md5sums of the cd contents and see if they match up. There are a few utilities out there for windows.
And if you still have those iso's of the CD's check their md5sum too.
md5sum of the cd will be available from any mirror of suse.
For more just google up. And wikipedia can also help if you don't know about md5sum

Hmmmmmm...........I never knew that a corrupt ISO would be let off as a clean CD by linux while it checks the media. The 4th CD is corrupt :( Need to download it again and burn it........AGAIN!! Well, I'll try out the install from the hard disk with the help of a tut someone wrote here. Thanks everyone!!


Wise Old Owl
@phreakOutt, You must first download the MD5SUM of the CD ISO files, after you
have finished downloading the CD ISO image files:

Checking the md5sum in Windows:

Download MD5SUM.exe from here
Put it in your Windows/System32 or /windows/command folder. (In XP it's C:/Windows/system32)

Now open up a command console by typing "cmd" into the run menu. (You can go to Start-->Run).
Before you start running the commands, make sure that the prompt says

C:\Documents and Settings\username>

Enter this command

cd \path\to\cd <dir>

Note: In Windows/MSDOS, you always type with the backslash (\) not the forwardslash (/). Example in M$: \blah\blah Example in Unix/Linux: /blah/blah
Now you are in the directory with the cd iso and md5sum.
Enter this command

md5sum -c filename.md5

(Replace "filename" with the name of the md5sum)

Make sure that when you download the CD iso to download the md5sum and place it in the same directory.

In Suse Linux there may be bugs that say that you are CD contents are OK, even though they are corrupt when checking!!
So the best way is to check the MD5SUM using the utility & burn the CD only if they are correct.


18 Till I Die............
Also, AFAIK md5sum isn't so perfect either, surely it's better. But I have heard shasum is better then md5sum. Well I am not 100% sure of this, but do remember reading this somewhere. Can anyone confirm it?


Wise Old Owl
@Mehul, md5sum is not without flaws. And shasum is defintely better than md5sum.
But it runs slowly at 1/6 th speed of md5sum!!

MD5 is flawed

Given known current flaws in MD5, it is possible to produce bogus data that matches a given MD5, though no constraints can be placed upon the content. A trojan, for instance, cannot be placed in a MD5'd file, but the file can contain random data.

However, one of the fairly obvious ways to use MD5 is with a "tree" of checksums -- one for the whole file, one for each half, one for each quarter, etc, etc, etc. In this case, it is not possible to produce data that will pass validation.

eDonkey uses MD4 hashes -- which is significantly easier to attack than MD5 -- yet I haven't seen problems with forged chunks on eDonkey.

And while SHA-1 is nice -- and it might be just easier if everyone used it -- it is significantly slower. When I tested the md5sum and shasum implementations on my Linux box, I found that shasum ran at about a sixth the speed of md5sum.

I quoted it from this link

You need to scroll down a bit to read this one!!


The Thread Killer >:)
JGuru said:
@phreakOutt, You must first download the MD5SUM of the CD ISO files, after you
have finished downloading the CD ISO image files:

Checking the md5sum in Windows:

Download MD5SUM.exe from here
Put it in your Windows/System32 or /windows/command folder. (In XP it's C:/Windows/system32)

Now open up a command console by typing "cmd" into the run menu. (You can go to Start-->Run).
Before you start running the commands, make sure that the prompt says

C:\Documents and Settings\username>

Enter this command

cd \path\to\cd <dir>

Note: In Windows/MSDOS, you always type with the backslash (\) not the forwardslash (/). Example in M$: \blah\blah Example in Unix/Linux: /blah/blah
Now you are in the directory with the cd iso and md5sum.
Enter this command

md5sum -c filename.md5

(Replace "filename" with the name of the md5sum)

Make sure that when you download the CD iso to download the md5sum and place it in the same directory.

In Suse Linux there may be bugs that say that you are CD contents are OK, even though they are corrupt when checking!!
So the best way is to check the MD5SUM using the utility & burn the CD only if they are correct.

Thanks for guiding me on this, but I used a GUI based MD5 checker for that. It proved worthwhile as I checked with the rest of the ISOs. Yup! the 4th one's MD5 didn't match and the MD5 checkeer which I used was downloaded from this link *


left this forum longback
after the news of Novell+Mi-crow-$oft venture,why Suse Linux?better off with Debian(the pure free OS) or Ubuntu or Fedora.End for Novell is coming fast at the hands of Microwsoft.:::
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