Info needed abt Jad and Jar

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Hi all..

I just wanna ask what are the .jar and .jad files. I know that they are java libraries. What I wanna know is that when I want to download any application for my phone, I see both files. which file should I download? what is the difference between them? I use k750i. For installing an application, should I copy both of the files? I usually do with the jar files. what does the jad file do?


Google Bot
see the JAR files are the normal java installation files....
the JAD files contain the data abt the JAR files and are very small in size... open any JAD wit a text editor and u ll understand...
They contain data abt tha JAR like download location, size, installation method etc...
if u want to install something from a JAD in a cell then u ll need to hav GPRS...


JAD files contain the data abt the JAR files and are very small in size... open any JAD wit a text editor and u ll understand...
They contain data abt tha JAR like download location, size, installation method etc...
if u want to install something from a JAD in a cell then u ll need to hav GPRS...


Still Shining!
Nokia phones generally use softwares and games in .jar format, while Samsung and Sony Ericcson accepts .jad files only.


Still Shining!
My Samsung set never allows to install jar files. Same is the case with my friend's SE set. But in a Nokia 3220 I have installed jar files. But it can't install .jad files.


In My Sony Ericsson, jar files are accepted (mine is k750i).


Google Bot
in wichever se and nokia fones i ve seen both work... And shd work in any java enabled fone.. No doubt in it..


let me clear the difference

jar - java archive files: these files are similar to zip files and rar files they contains compiled class files and resource used by the java aaplication. These file are single java executable files. JAR files are main file which contains the program. One can see the content of JAR file by open jar file winrar this will make your doubt clear about jar files

jad - java archive desriptor: jar files contains information for jar files like the version of app, filesize of jar file, main class name to be run, location of jar file etc. JAD file do not contain any program so you cannot run program by jad files alone. JAD maker is program which can make JAD files for JAR files.

Now some phone requires JAD and JAR files both while most mobile phone need JAR files. JAD file are used when you download java program from WAP. When you request for a JAR file it first gets the JAD file which contains the info about JAR files and the mobile phone then checks whether the program is supported by the handset or not without downloading the complete program.


Download JADMaker 1.15 JADMaker creates a JAD file for your .JAR Java Games : *

[SIZE=-1]jar and jad are the install files for java games right? ... The Jar file IS the game. You really don't even need the jad file for a java game.[/SIZE]*

.jad & .jar... why two files? *

Get some java based apps in this site : *
BTW both .jar and .jad files work just fine on my SE K790i......
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