IF Windows Vista Updates fail To Install.

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Distinguished Member
First clear up your Temp File/Cache, Reboot and try again. Best and easier to use CCleaner.

If it doesnt help, try this : Rt Click Computer > Manage > Services > Stop the "Cryptographic Service" and rename the "Catroot2" folder situated in C:\Windows\System32\Catroot to something like say Catroot2X. Reboot. Now run the update/hotfix installers again. This action will re-generate a new Catroot2 folder and the updates/hotfixes, should hopefully install OK.

If still you have a problem then, go to C:\Windows\Windows Update.log and look for the most recent entry. Any failed updates will have error code/s written next to them. Note them down.

Now refer the Windows Update Error Codes This will give you the direction in which you may have to look for the solution. Or check out this Microsoft resource. There is some nice info here too at UpdateXP some of which may find relevance to Vista.

Windows Vista Updates fail To Install !
Cannot Update Windows using WindowsUpdate ?
How To Download and Save Windows Vista Updates.
Cannot Update Windows Defender !?

...Then this page may help you...


King of my own Castle
Hey thanks for the wonderful tip !
If this isnt helpful i dont know what is ?
You never find such good tips easily onthe internet ..
Thanks again.


Right off the assembly line
I've got basically teh same problem, but windows tells me I need permission to rename teh catroot2 folder?

Any ideas?


Distinguished Member
Fiver said:
I've got basically teh same problem, but windows tells me I need permission to rename teh catroot2 folder?

Any ideas?

login as administarator or disable uac if using vista or try in safe mode.
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