You are welcomeniz said:Let me start off by saying I'm thrilled with the info you provided. Thanks a zillion!
Lots of companies are trying to come up with solutions for spam. But unfortunately, no one is 100% accurate. However, Bayesian Filtering is pretty popular. I am using SpamAssassin on my personal mail accounts at the server end. It at least marks the mails as spam and assigns them scores. SpamAssassin is also open source. I collect them in a separate folder in my email client using message rules.niz said:What about protecting mail users from spam? This is the area that's currently bothering me.
From my forum nick, quite a few people misunderstand me! I am not a TuxPro, I am a tuxfan. My knowledge of GNU/Linux is really really limited. However, search in the Open Source section and you will find some thread running on pros and cons of various distros. This same question has been asked many times. Personally, I feel SuSE and Ubuntu are really getting better and popular.niz said:Judging from your forum nick: I used to dabble in Linux a bit some time ago, but didn't really get too far (actually, nowhere). I want to go for something like Debian or SUSE for long-term idea implementations. Any suggestions? I heard Debian is really user-friendly but couldn't even get the GUI running on my computer!
You may not need to learn too much initially. You can simply learn the intricacies of that mail server. However, if you are really serious on this, some day you will HAVE TO learn GNU/Linux in a bit more depth because it is the preferred OS at the server end.niz said:Plus, do I need to learn Linux to get my mail thing running? I'm asking this because I've noticed a mail server (Samba?) is there among Linux installation packages (in Fedora, SUSE etc).