Huawei E1550 3G/EDGE/GPRS USB modem

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The Devil
I have a Huawei E1550 modem from Idea (Net setter) that I want to sell. I bought the modem intending to use it with Idea connection, but changed plans. The modem is brand new.

The modem is currently locked to Idea, but it can be easily unlocked and used with any 3G/EDGE/GMS providers. Unlock software and tutorials and available on the internet. If you want I can unlock it for you.

I bought the modem for Rs1600.
Expected selling price: Rs1000+

If you are interested, reply to this thread or email me kaushik.beta[at]

Modem specification

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Modem no longer available.
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The Devil
Update: I put the modem on ebay auction, and currently it is on Rs 1430 + Rs50 shipping.
Holy smokes!

Anybody who wants to buy it will have to do better. :p

My advice to all sellers: Put your stuff on ebay. If your price is competitive enough, you have a better chance of getting a good deal.

This is my first experience on ebay. Will keep you posted on how it goes. :)
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