Which distro do you use and how did you install xmms ??vish786 said:due to some problem xmms player is not opening... i wanna uninstall xmms player.... how can i do tat?????????????
sudo apt-get remove xmms
sudo yum remove xmms
sudo dpkg -r xmms
This is a feature in Ubuntu which removes some libs which are not removed by default.It is not yet afaik present in Debian.kaustav_geek said:So, otherwise the unwanted packages aren't removed ? Can you please elucidate ?
~#deborphan | xargs apt-get --purge remove -y
dpkg -r | --remove | -P | --purge package ... | -a | --pending
Remove an installed package. -r or --remove remove everything
except configuration files. This may avoid having to reconfigure
the package if it is reinstalled later. (Configuration files are
the files listed in the debian/conffiles control file). -P or
--purge removes everything, including configuration files. If -a
or --pending is given instead of a package name, then all pack‐
ages unpacked, but marked to be removed or purged in file
/var/lib/dpkg/status, are removed or purged, respectively.
Removing of a package consists of the following steps:
1. Run prerm script
2. Remove the installed files
3. Run postrm script
also as u know,installing a pkg doesnt mean its completely configured.
remember "dpkg --configure -a" or "apt-get/aptitude install -f " cmd.
vish786 said:i am usin opensuse.. i hav installed using yast