HOW TO SHut DOwn Other SyStemS..ON LAN....

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nach p

@Chindi Chor

Actually it is a good question but some kind of illegal.
Isnt it?
Why do u want to shutdown other systems on Lan ???


Broken In
If you know WMI (Window Management Instrumentation), you can write vbscript or jscript to shutdown any computer on lan remotely.


Let the music play.....
mako_123 said:
How to stop other user from shutting down my computer on a LAN

shutdown -a

To shutdown Remote Comps on LAN

shutdown -i

This opens a GUI window, add all the comp names u wanna shut, select the relevant info and hit ok bingo there it goes. Have phun bugging others.


Let the music play.....
R u on domain or workgruop. This worked for me in domain I dunno about workgroup. If its in workgroup u can try using ip address instead of computer names.
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