how is a software installed in linux ??? ...... i have downloaded a file from one of the older digit dvd's....its xmms-1.2.10.tar.gz but m unable to install it.....need a detailed step by step procedure....!
Answer:great_manish said:how is a software installed in linux ??? ...... i have downloaded a file from one of the older digit dvd's....its xmms-1.2.10.tar.gz but m unable to install it.....need a detailed step by step procedure....!
Dont try those source given from digit.its just illogical for eg;how it'll be if u get those .dll files,diffrnt config things etc wholesale to ur hand instead of installshield setup or simply "setup.exe"-the same thing in linux/unix are those gzipped(.gz) or bzipped(.bz2) source files;for eg:ur xmms source!.Quote:
Originally Posted by Shashwat Pant
^^ VlC 0.8.6 c is already out Though awesome,list plz add some Tux stuff better than other 1 that u provide .. A request a good C++ compiler for Ubuntu which except commands from that similar to Borland/Turbo C ver 3.4
use synaptic package manager(in menu>System>admin>).it contains all those softwares!digit simply provides source packages for Linux,that is not worth with Ubuntu and other distros which got apt and dpkg and better package management.
Anjuta is a good ide for c/cpp.eclipse is for java etc.again those source packages distributed by digit is a waste without a good package manager which resolves dependecies.that i'd say is a waste that digit carries these source packages.rather they shud provide linux distros in more and BIG softwares for eg;for Ubuntu-Aptoncd etc.
yeah.i too say -just a difference Windows/Microsoft instead of Linux line that is! dont troll here pls!!! said:lol i am not able to understand that part of linux ( linux sux ( my view))