how to install tar.bz2 in fedora 16


Broken In
I am a new linux user, dont know much of it, so i would like to have a detailed information for the solution.
installed fedora 16 yesterday.
now i am trying to install to softwares (most are of tar.bz2 format) which were given in december 2011 edition of digit.
i installed the dependencies.
now i am trying to install tar.bz2 softwares, but it is very very tough and going above my mind.
i read many forums but i am unable to install.:cry::-?
they say to configure by ./configure after doing cd to the extracted directory
doing so terminal displayes something like 'no c compiler found in the path' i dont remember the exact phrase .
also when i install avg it installed without any configure like command..i just ran in terminal it was installed but i cant see it any where.

although i have already install all the dependencies provided. i have a question that is it necessary to install all the dependencies even if i am want to install only one of the provided tar.bz2 software

all of my soubts are coloured wth red please help!!!


change is constant!!
tar files of a package usually contains source code. you need to compile and then install. there will be a GUI interface to install software's look for that..

yes all dependencies should be installed. today's software's are developed fast using framework/ modules of other packages . try rpm packages it will be easier to install than tar files.


Broken In
can i get a stepwise tutorial to install wine.tar.bz2 ( which i have got in he cd with the dependencies) in fedora 16.
also i have a very very really very slow net to download a software like wine again in .rpm format.:|


Super Moderator
Staff member
Forget about it actually. Digit should stop bundling tarballs. :(

Reason = New people will not be able to install. And people who use Linux generally prefer repositories.

Each Linux distro works like marketspace you have in Android/iOS/Windows Phone. We call these "repositories"...

Installing RPM from the Internet (via Package Manager) is the way to least for you imho. This also sorts out dependencies.
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