How to get good quality video recording

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Right off the assembly line
I have p iv 2.00,845 GBV intel's mother board,256 MB DDR RAM and SONY handicam.Whenever I transfer video recorded from sony handicam to hard disk through USB with software provided by sony company to make VCD with the help of NERO EXPRESS OR even if I view from Hard disk the video quality is not at all good i,e Blurr.But if I view the same thing in sony handcam from the cassette it is crystal clear.Why this thing happens? What I should do to get good quality video pictures in VCD format.Please advice or I am going to sell my hanycam.[/b]


In the zone
I think these sites are for you to watch.



Dont ever use in built capture software (Thats my personal openion though)

Use Virtual Dub Alaways *


In the zone
One of my friend who had the similar problem said that, he has improvement in his capturing according to my solution.

My solution is, get a TV Tuner card and play the videocam with output from S-Video, hope your TV Tuner card has S-Video IN. Then capture the video with the capturing software. But the quality can't be 100 %

I wish Video cams come with in built digital storage mediums like micro Hard disks :roll: .


In the zone
connect the handycam to a TV and check whethe the quality is good. I think it is an illusion. bcoz in ur handycam u are watching the video in a small screen therefore it applears clearer. Try watching the movie in 100 % size (NOt full screen). A normal handycam can't give u that much quality.
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