Distinguished Member
"At last PCs operating under Windows have a security level similar to that used by high performance servers. This technology – known under names that vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, such as NX (No eXecute), EVP (Enhanced Virus Protection), XD (eXecute Disable), or DEP (Data Execution Protection) – allows the processor itself to detect when a malicious code (such as a virus or a Trojan horse) is attempting to run and automatically disables such code, "drowning" the virus. This short tutorial teachs you how to enable this feature.
It also teaches u how to configure Windows to correctly enable this feature.
...both Linux and Solaris have already adopted this technology for years, but for the Windows operating systems this technology is only present from Windows XP SP2 on...
This will just an extra feature that adds an extra security layer to your PC.
It also teaches u how to configure Windows to correctly enable this feature.
...both Linux and Solaris have already adopted this technology for years, but for the Windows operating systems this technology is only present from Windows XP SP2 on...
This will just an extra feature that adds an extra security layer to your PC.