dear ppl,
i have found the soln to my prob.
actually its NOT a COMPLETE soln.
OK,i wanted to burn a 780 mb movie file which was in .DAT format.
There are 2 methods to do this (according to me,that is)...
1. i used Nero(5.5),and tried burnin the cd using "create a data disk". it showed the error that the cd size is 700 mb and cannot accomodate 780 mb.So i culnt proceed with the burning altho i had 800 mb cd.
2.i used same Nero(5.5) and tried burning 780 mb usin "create a VCD". this time it analysed the file and brought the .dat file to less than 700 mb.(i dont know how this thing works...can anyone explain pls). anyways,i was more than happy as i cud write the cd on this 800mb cd for which i had spent 16Rs.ya,the same thing cud have been written on a normal 700mb cdr too.
well,thats abt it.A partial soln to my'll be great if i cud get the complete soln too.Have fun!