How to access pen drive when rights are not allotted

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The Sexy Beast
i usually go to sify iway to download some softs and things but the pen drive are disabled is there any way to access it when permission is not allotted

plz help


Old is Gold
u can ask for permission or
u can say i have to send some file using emails that i have in my pendrive.

Choto Cheeta

1st of all if some one implements group policy by blocking all available drive later, then i dont think there is any way you can access the USD drive there !! Group policy are design to keep you out !!

=CrAzYG33K= said:
you could try and write a driver for the USB drive on your own!

The question is not about driver, Windows May find and install without problem, but to access the new drive it has to asign a drive later, which is may be blocked by group policy !!

So either you have to reboot the PC to boot using a Linux Live CD :p to access your pen drive or you have to ask for permission !!


Let the music play.....
Ok even if u write a driver for usb, it wouldnt work. Because a group policy blocks the main driver that windows uses. I dunno the name of the file. But it had been blocked in our office for some time for testing. Believe me nothing works ok. If its blocked its blocked.


Open Notepad\Adobe Acrobat Reader\MsWord or any other program....

Then File>Open .. Then you should be able to open it from there, if the drive is hidden, like it is done in out cyber cafe.... Or if they use third party softwares to disable it, then please let me know...
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