I have decided to purchase a Core 2 Duo based machine. Here are the specs
Intel E6300
Intel DG965RY M/B
250 or 300 GB SATA
1x1 GB DDR2 667 MHz RAM - will upgrade to 2 GB later
Samsung 17" LCD 740N - Is this good enuf?? for browsing, watching movies, casual gaming
400 PSU - Please recommend a good one. will be buying a 7600GT later
Please let me know approximately wht will be the cost. im from kerala and when i asked the dealer for the price of the dg965ry he said its not available and will have to order form chennai etc. this pc will be used normal usage with some photoshop / video editing /encoding etc
Intel E6300
Intel DG965RY M/B
250 or 300 GB SATA
1x1 GB DDR2 667 MHz RAM - will upgrade to 2 GB later
Samsung 17" LCD 740N - Is this good enuf?? for browsing, watching movies, casual gaming
400 PSU - Please recommend a good one. will be buying a 7600GT later
Please let me know approximately wht will be the cost. im from kerala and when i asked the dealer for the price of the dg965ry he said its not available and will have to order form chennai etc. this pc will be used normal usage with some photoshop / video editing /encoding etc