How Much Does It Cost to Make a Video Game ?


Living to Play
Well then why dont you try to make it better eh ?...or do you just have the balls the complaint about it.

I absolutely hate people who try to ape westerners and "murican's" and then complaint about India as if they dont ****ing live here !

Case in Point : Mr Topgear..with a british auto show as his nickname, profile pic of clint eastwood(who isn't even a good actor) and the british SAS motto in his signature.

Do you hate any movie or dislike it ?? If so then you should make a better one.

I absolutely hate people who blindly believes that they are very good at their place. OK I am India doesn't mean that I have to love everything about this country, I love its heritage and also ashamed of many things (List is quite long). Also you should learn to compliment something if its good.

Never ever directly point your criticism to someone in particular like you just did there with TG. He is a very good person in particular and is here and helping for more years than months since you joined. I hope that he bans you for this because its in his power.


Ambassador of Buzz
Please dont be butthurt and learn to face the truth.. The Ghajini game mentined by TG was absolutely pathetic.. Graphics and buggy nature aside, the story was a carbon copy of the film - no real innovation or creativity was employed for that game..
Game development in India is like Game development in Japan, only 10 years behind.. Nothing is going to change that as long as Gaming is considered "for kids and teens" not for adults

Although, Indians ARE showing good interest in game development.. The best place to start is to start small, like android games etc which can be made and published with very little investment.. Regardless, originality and creativity still plays the make or break decision for any game IMO

PS: Im not entirely biased towards Indian companies.. I can name several US based game companies who have developed absolute bullcrap when it comes to creativity (a good example is Gameloft games and the Dungeon Hunter series)

Point is, if you find something wrong try to correct it instead of just complaining about it.

I am a hardcore patriot, I agree India needs a lot work on many levels but we as a country are only 60 years old and what bothers me is that many people instead of trying improve things here flee to " "(insert random european country or USA) and then start complaining about conditions here in India.

For eg many of us complain about corruption on a daily basis..yet how many of us bother to join the CBI or become an IPS/police officer in order to stop it ?

Even the "greatest country in the world"(sarcasm :) ) ...USA faced corruption,lawlessness and some grave violations of human rights in the first 200-300 years of its existence.

So to sum up, if you are dissatisfied with the gaming industry instead of complaining about it on the something of your own,raise the bar ! . And who knows someday we might be play a game where the good guys(us) save the world from evil,greedy capitalists(americans)...Call of duty style :)

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Do you hate any movie or dislike it ?? If so then you should make a better one.

I absolutely hate people who blindly believes that they are very good at their place. OK I am India doesn't mean that I have to love everything about this country, I love its heritage and also ashamed of many things (List is quite long). Also you should learn to compliment something if its good.

Never ever directly point your criticism to someone in particular like you just did there with TG. He is a very good person in particular and is here and helping for more years than months since you joined. I hope that he bans you for this because its in his power.

You are right,I don't know the guy.But his entire profile setup practically scream's " I love USA/UK" and his posts reek of profanity for India,so I might not know him but this the most logical conclusion I can draw(I might be wrong in which case I apologize).Its just that I have been meeting a lot of those kind of people lately.


Chosen of the Omnissiah
You are right,I don't know the guy.But his entire profile setup practically scream's " I love USA/UK" and his posts reek of profanity for India,so I might not know him but this the most logical conclusion I can draw(I might be wrong in which case I apologize).Its just that I have been meeting a lot of those kind of people lately.
yay! Let's start judging people over TCP/IP.

You deserve an award.


Well then why dont you try to make it better eh ?...or do you just have the balls the complaint about it.

I absolutely hate people who try to ape westerners and "murican's" and then complaint about India as if they dont ****ing live here !

Case in Point : Mr Topgear..with a british auto show as his nickname, profile pic of clint eastwood(who isn't even a good actor) and the british SAS motto in his signature.

didn't we have a similar show in CNBC or NDTV or a magazine too?

No need to get personal here. People have their own likes and dislikes.

@topgear, nice article though :thumbs:


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^ Thanks man. Glad to share it with you guys.

Well then why dont you try to make it better eh ?...or do you just have the balls the complaint about it.

Do you have the balls to make a better video game or you just have the balls to criticize only ;) ?

I absolutely hate people who try to ape westerners and "murican's" and then complaint about India as if they dont ****ing live here !

Ah, too much hatred is not good for health and do you really judge the whole country just by a stupid game like Ghajini ? !! Still you call yourself a patriot ?

Point is, if you find something wrong try to correct it instead of just complaining about it.

I am a hardcore patriot, I agree India needs a lot work on many levels but we as a country are only 60 years old and what bothers me is that many people instead of trying improve things here flee to " "(insert random european country or USA) and then start complaining about conditions here in India.

Next time you see a bad road try fixing it up on your own without complaining about it. And How Old is the Heritage of USA ? As a country how old is Japan ?

For eg many of us complain about corruption on a daily basis..yet how many of us bother to join the CBI or become an IPS/police officer in order to stop it ?

Even the "greatest country in the world"(sarcasm :) ) ...USA faced corruption,lawlessness and some grave violations of human rights in the first 200-300 years of its existence.

Join any of the services you mentioned and you will know ;) and did you just say USA the "greatest country in the world". Well there's people there not only some bots / robots unlike you expected.

Case in Point : Mr Topgear..with a british auto show as his nickname, profile pic of clint eastwood(who isn't even a good actor) and the british SAS motto in his signature.

Ah, suggest me an username of your choice. CE is not a good actor but the world may think otherwise still you can have your personal views about anyone.

You are right,I don't know the guy.But his entire profile setup practically scream's " I love USA/UK" and his posts reek of profanity for India,so I might not know him but this the most logical conclusion I can draw(I might be wrong in which case I apologize).Its just that I have been meeting a lot of those kind of people lately.

Exactly how many posts you've read of mine ? And your logical conclusion is just over flawed as you are getting overwhelmed by some sort of people or You must be the one of the devs or better producer of the game :D otherwise criticizing Ghajini [ the Game ] can't be profanity.

To me a country and good people are more greater than your can think of. Once you understand this you will see there's nothing as good or great country. It's just the people who makes the difference. EOD.


Ambassador of Buzz
^^ Thanks man. Glad to share it with you guys.

Do you have the balls to make a better video game or you just have the balls to criticize only ;) ?

Ah, too much hatred is not good for health and do you really judge the whole country just by a stupid game like Ghajini ? !! Still you call yourself a patriot ?

Next time you see a bad road try fixing it up on your own without complaining about it. And How Old is the Heritage of USA ? As a country how old is Japan ?

Join any of the services you mentioned and you will know ;) and did you just say USA the "greatest country in the world". Well there's people there not only some bots / robots unlike you expected.

Ah, suggest me an username of your choice. CE is not a good actor but the world may think otherwise still you can have your personal views about anyone.

Exactly how many posts you've read of mine ? And your logical conclusion is just over flawed as you are getting overwhelmed by some sort of people or You must be the one of the devs or better producer of the game :D otherwise criticizing Ghajini [ the Game ] can't be profanity.

To me a country and good people are more greater than your can think of. Once you understand this you will see there's nothing as good or great country. It's just the people who makes the difference. EOD.

1. I am not in the business of making video games, I am sure many people on TDF would like to oblige.

2. I never judged Ghajini, I judge the people who judge India(and the Indian gaming industry by extension), probably the kind of people who think games like "Kane and Lynch" and "Medal of honor: warfighter" are better than Gajini.

3. I may not be able to fix a bad road but I write a strong worded letter to the MCD whenever I see one(the least I can do as a citizen). USA and Japan are 240 and 150 years old respectively.So if you expect the same level of growth from India in 60 years you are being impractical.

4. " Join any of the services you mentioned and you will know" because you know everything about them dont you ? Oh ! Every govt department is corrupt so lets just stick to our cosy IT jobs and complaint about corruption over tea/coffee and lunch breaks ! I bet that will make all the corruption go away !....Cynicism does not help !

I agree I jumped to conclusions on seeing your profile, should have taken some time to read your posts and then conclude anything(apologies for that again).No I am not a dev/ producer of ghajini hilarious as that maybe.

" Its just the people who make the difference"...HOW ? , by complaining about corruption over coffee tables or by complaining about the ghajini video game over the internet ?

There is some good difference making in there lads!


If something is crap then it should be called crap that applies to Indian gaming industry and the examples you have taken like the recent iteration of call of duty it is clear that you have not played any games other than the FPS genre and your frustrations should be pointed towards the snobs in real life rather than the people you barely know on the internet.

Kudos to TG for replying in a light hearted manner.
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