God of Mistakes...
Hi Guys...!
I've Linux Fedora Core 4 & Debian also.
My PC specs are-
Intel Original 101GG Board, 1 GB RAM, 3.06 Intel P4, 200 GB SATA HDD.
Problem is that, when I'm going to install FC4 or Debian on my machine, it says that NO PARTITIONABLE MEDIA FOUND. Though I've connected my HDD & XP is running on it.
What can I do now? I think Linux don't support SATA.
Plz give (a) solution(s).....
I've Linux Fedora Core 4 & Debian also.
My PC specs are-
Intel Original 101GG Board, 1 GB RAM, 3.06 Intel P4, 200 GB SATA HDD.
Problem is that, when I'm going to install FC4 or Debian on my machine, it says that NO PARTITIONABLE MEDIA FOUND. Though I've connected my HDD & XP is running on it.
What can I do now? I think Linux don't support SATA.
Plz give (a) solution(s).....