How Can I Install Linux on SATA drives..?

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God of Mistakes...
Hi Guys...!

I've Linux Fedora Core 4 & Debian also.

My PC specs are-

Intel Original 101GG Board, 1 GB RAM, 3.06 Intel P4, 200 GB SATA HDD.

Problem is that, when I'm going to install FC4 or Debian on my machine, it says that NO PARTITIONABLE MEDIA FOUND. Though I've connected my HDD & XP is running on it.

What can I do now? I think Linux don't support SATA.

Plz give (a) solution(s).....


Core i7 (nehalem) Owner
Have u first made RAW partitions (thru the Computer Management) ?? Coz b4 u install any LINUX OS, the partition (say 10 GB or 7 GB) shud first be made as a RAW partition (neither FAT32 nor NTFS) then, wen u boot with the LINUX OS, u will be prompted to make partitions either of the type ext3 or ext2 or reinfsrt (same as we hv for XP as FAT adn NTFS).

So please chek that as this is the initial condition. I too hv a SATA Seagate HDD adn i hv both, WIN XP as well as FC4 as a dual OS system.

Cheers n e-peace....


actually i faced a similar prob when i installed linux....after researching i found that only suse 10 has the capability to work with sata hdd.


God of Mistakes...
Brave_Hunt said:
The same way as you install Linux in ATA drive. :D

It's NOT same as ATA drives........ Understand?

I've tried Fedora Core 5. It's WORKING.....but........

unfortunately the image which I have is BAD for second disk. Thats why I can't install
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In the zone
Hey!. I just installed FC5 on a SATA HDD. No probs whatsoever. Ran beautifully. Didn't even need any drivers or anything at all.


Duh? I ran all my distros on Sata till now. Starting from Xandros 1.0, FC3, FC4, FC5, Ubuntu 5.04/5.10/6.06, Mandrake 10. I dont know how to install on ATA drives :D


God of Mistakes...
hey Guys,

I have NOT got any output from this threat..

Plz MOderator, CLOSE this threat.


-The BlacKCoaT Operative-
well actually the installer should have the drivers(if required) for ur sata controller. most prob if does not have them. try searching the disto forum and look for a boot disk from the mobo support site.

there are options to add drivers while loading installer. i dont remember the key/command but it is similar to pressing f6 in windows xp installation.

this problem is usually on RAID controllers. i have 2 160GB sata hdd in RAID-0 config on my nvidia raid sata controller and windows XP as well as most linux distros cant detect the RAID array. so i have to use the 'f6' key to provide it with drivers at setup time via floppy. or install on a non raid disk.

these drives are available most prob at the mobo site or if u know the controller manufacturer (like silicon) then check their website too..

Hope this helps....
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