Home Theatre @15000

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Right off the assembly line
I have been planning to purchase a HT System (i.e. the DVD Player and The Speakers) and I Know that the Sony Z270 is in that range, but I was wondering whether I could do better in the same range by buying Speakers and DVD Player Seperately as I heard Sony's Speakers are not especially nice compared to the Speakers made by Audio-Specialist Comapnies.

In the 15000, I would say my Speaker- DVD Player Budget is Rs.12000 and Rs.3000, although Rs. 500 here and there is okay... so what do you guys suggest for the DVD Player and ESPECIALLY for the Speakers?


Ambassador of Buzz
See, with that budget u are all good with Sony's DAV-Z series. And trust me, those speakers are bang for bucks.
Now, coming to the customized home theatre setup. Now, u have plenty of options in choosing a nice receiver+player, amps and along with quality speaker systems. I'll only get there, if u are ready to spend beyond 25K!
Else, settle with Sony. U wont be disappointed. :)
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