Hollywood Studios caught pirating movies on BitTorrent

Ankit Omar

Broken In
^it was fun....a mad comedy though this dialogue "Boy under armpit and hypercity noise pollution" is said by ajay devgn in the film along with other hilarious hindi to english translations

Going off topic - but may be we could start a whole "fun" thread devoted to that - doing "Bol Bachchan" type of translations! Of course, if the mods allow!


Lost in speed
Kollywood & Bollywood (WE) are not exceptions. The only thing is "We are not using torrents to rip a story from several movies".

Ankit Omar

Broken In
truly said..it was done by some employees and why hollywood studio's is to blame here?

Plausible deniability - what if it is by design - if the employees get caught, the studios can always claim that they can't be held responsible for employee conduct. But of course, why would Hollywood studios NEED to pirate?