helpMe thru UBUNTU

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Web Design Hobbyist
hi guys,
i have just swithched to linux.I recently installed UBUNTU ultimate edition in my PC dual booting with Win XP sp2.
But have not been able to view my windows partitions( ntfs). please help me and let me know how i can mount my windows parttions to view its contents and enjoy my bucket loads of MP3s!!!


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Sorry mate, you cannot view your windows NTFS partitions, because Ubuntu doesn't allow users to access NTFS partitions. You can access them as the Super User though.


left this forum longback
U can access ntfs partition u can read write(ntfs-3g) and more in Ubuntu.try reading the guide @ * in specific ntfs area:

and..dude u already posted the same question somewhere in da forum hmm.. :?


Commander in Chief
Do a sudo apt-get install ntfs-config and then go to Applications > System > NTFS Configuration Tool Select the check-boxes and hit Ok. And, you're done.


"The Gentleman"
most of the times ubuntu automatically mounts the partitions in /media folder or /mnt folder, check out !!!


In the matrix of linux
well ubuntu 7.04 mount the windows drive in case of ntfs u can only read not write but search for ntfs in synaptic manager you will found a tool by which you can enable write in ntfs drive ...........


Broken In
install ntfs-3g using the following command
#sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g

after installation open "fstab"

#sudo vim /etc/fstab

u ll c some lines added by ubuntu while installation.... to mount your own ntfs partitions mount it at startup by adding such lines for every partition...

/dev/hda1 /media/<name> ntfs-3g silent,umask=0,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0

PS: yu must ve already created a folder *name* in /media folder


Commander in Chief
Amit Surana - All that isn't needed. What you actually have to do is:

sudo apt-get install ntfs-config
Go to Applications > System Tools > NTFS Configuration Tool and check both boxes.

All done.

Edit: HECK! I just realized I'd already posted the same AND posted that this thing is old! I never bothered looking at the top posts ( I clicked the latest post link and posted away! :( )
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