.:: Help Urgent : Apache Webserver Woes ::.

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In the zone
I have hosted a website on apache server but the uploaded images arent showing up.What should I do? Plz dont tell me to check the image path cuz I know the path is correct. Whats more even when Im typing the direct address of the images in the browser it still doesnt show up. Here are the server specs

Operating system: Linux
Kernel version 2.4.28-grsec
Machine Type i686
Apache version 1.3.33 (Unix)

Do I need to change file permissions? or modify some file like .htaccess.

One more thing my HTML files are in the www directory and images in the images directory which is a child directoryof the www.

I need to urgently put the site up ? Plz help


In the zone

check out the permission of your image directory and also makesure grsecurity is not palying a game with you ;)




In the zone
yes the permission of images directory were the culprit.

I have a doubt can someone clarify please. Before the permissions were

OWNER : Read, Write, Execute
GROUP: Read, Execute

This wasnt working and the images were not displayed.

Now the permissions are as follows
OWNER : Read, Write, Execute
GROUP: Read, Execute
WORLD: Read, Execute

Is giving the execute permission to WORLD dangerous? If I remove execute permission of the world the images arent showing up.

Plz reply


In the zone
Hm.. well i dont understand this strange phenomena.. Execute permission allows images to be accessed?!?!??! Who's your host? Ask 'em wats the prob..

anyway.. Execute is not harmful unless u've hosted executable files like EXE, BAT etc.. Usually some sites enable Execute option so that the customers can install programs rite from the server..! Or some spyware sites install spyware directly to your system without downloading..

Btw.. also check if ur .htaccess file has denied permission to open image files....


In the zone
well i have contacted the hosts and awaiting their reply

I dont know much about .htaccess file and from the contents it looks no permission has been denied for images. Heres the contents of the file.

# -FrontPage-

IndexIgnore .htaccess */.??* *~ *# */HEADER* */README* */_vti*

<Limit GET POST>
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from all
order deny,allow
deny from all
AuthName www.tdomain.com
AuthUserFile /home/tdomain/public_html/_vti_pvt/service.pwd
AuthGroupFile /home/tdomain/public_html/_vti_pvt/service.grp

can someone interpret the file for me?

This file path on the server was /www/.htacess, it was not in the root but in the www directory


In the zone
Oh..! No problem with .htaccess.. I read your thing as seting permissin to image files..! Files & Directories have diff meaning for EXECUTE.. in Directory terms, EXECUTE allows access to files inside it.. So as u said thats the culprit.. Whereas for FILE permission, EXECUTE allows 'executing' the file.. (thats how i unstd ur question)..

Hmm.. well.. .htaccess allows access directory-wise.. For eg if u keep it in www directory, it sets permission to all files in www and also its subdirectories.. So that shd'nt be a prob..

IndexIgnore specifies the list of files that shdn't be listed under your directory listing.. Those have been given here with wildcard chars..

IndexIgnore .htaccess */.??* *~ *# */HEADER* */README* */_vti*

I dont see anything wrong in that as well..

Under Limit Get & Post, well the code has no meaning at all.. [order deny, allow] specifies the order in which denial or allowing is done.. since u've given "allow all " after "deny all", this shdnt be a prob.. But it really is a stupid code..

No prb with denying PUT n Delete methods..

Since you haven't required authentication for any methods: PUT, DELETE, GET or POST, Auth code cant cause any prob.. IMO.. nuthing wrong with .htaccess !
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