Help to Upgrade!!


The Last Puff
I need to upgrade my RAM on my MacBook Pro 13".

The Ram specs compatible with it is PC3-8500 DDR3 1066 MHz.

The model which gives the best performance for the money is?? Would like to have it’s price and model. Having a few options will be nice.

I have already 2x1GB installed. Will be removing them and putting 2x2Gb.

Any idea how much these 2x1Gb will go for?

Also need to know the price of the MX5021 by Altec Lansing, and the Harman Kardan Sound Sticks II.

Will be buying it from Bangalore.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Any compatible RAM from any company would work. eg. Kingston, Corsair etc. (Please check again whether your Macbook Pro uses DIMM or SO-DIMM and buy accordingly)

For installation, better ask some Apple support guy. Personally, I have no idea about how Apple works.

Both of RAM sticks will sell for around 1k. (combined)


The Last Puff
Why so expensive?? Still?? Bought 2Gb for just 1200 bucks for the PC.
It was 5k like a year before!! Any idea when the prices will fall?
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