Help.. Starting problem

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Broken In
Can any1 plz tell me y does this happen..

to start my pc i have to press the switch 15 - 20 times (turning it off n on - the UPS).. while the hdd red light glows n goes off.. after 15 -20 times doing this it finally starts normally.. could any 1 tell me the problem with my comp.. is it a PSU(Power Supply) Problem??? or sumthing wrong with my main board..

btw specs..

kobian Mercury mainboard KVM266PM
AMD Athlon Xp 2000+
128MB x2 266mhz RAM

one more thing.. can this happen due to the Mainboard battery?


try running ur PC directly from the mains supply, i mean dont use ur UPS , if ur PC is still not running then there must b a problem in ur PSU unit


Cyborg Agent
It happens with me also. My pc starts after 2-3 trys and its coz of that cheap, bad performing Odessys SMPS and it started after my vendor change the SMPS after some prob. So I think its SMPS prob. only.
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